Volkswagens and Cats

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Me and Harri walked hand in hand with Rhys, Lennon and Prasan in front.

"You sleep alright?" he asked me quietly.

"Oh, yeah, thanks," heat rose to my cheeks, "what about you?"

"I didn't really sleep, but I drifted off slightly. I enjoyed watching you sleep, it's nice," he smiled at me.

"Yeah, but I sleep with my mouth open and I look slightly like a ghoul," he laughed.

"You're still beautiful though," I smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks," I squeezed his hand slightly and he squeezed mine back.

When the motorway started to come into view, we all started to become more aware of our surroundings. Mine and Harri's hands were no longer together.

"Over there," I pointed to a large car-verging-on-van.

"It's a Volkswagen though..." Rhys complained.

"What else are you going to find here, hm?"

"True," he hung his head low.

"Someone cover me," Prasan whispered. Lennon and Rhys followed him to the VW. Me and Harri stayed behind to make sure no zombies came. Prasan came running back quickly and told us there were keys in it and they checked the petrol levels and they're nearly full. Our first stroke of luck.

"Get the others," I told Lennon who had come back up with Rhys. "And get me some of that plant stuff we used to cover the shelter with," I said before he nodded and ran off.

"That was easy," Harri said with a comedic tone to his voice.

"Don't say that, you'll jinx us," I punched him lightly on the shoulder. We talked with Rhys and Prasan for a bit whilst Lennon had gone to fetch the others.

He came running back moments later, a few other bodies behind him. When he stopped in front of us, his appearance took us all by shock.

His face had a long trail of flesh blood running from the top of his eye to the bottom of his lip. Vaseva, Beth and... No one else. Beth and Vaseva held all the food in their arms which were scratched and bloodied.

"RUN! RUN TO THE CAR!" Vaseva yelled at the top of her voice. Harri took my hand and helped me run to the car. I climbed into the drivers seat and started the car up. Harri opened the back doors and hopped into the passenger seat. Seconds later, Rhys and Beth came running, Beth threw the food and supplies into the boot and climbed into the boot with Rhys. Lennon went into the opposite door and slammed it shut.

Vaseva came last. She threw her food into the boot with Rhys and Beth, jumped into the car and slammed the door shut. It was then I saw them. I put the car into drive and buckled myself in, yelling at everyone to do the same. I put my foot on the accelerator and head off in the direction of my house.

It was tricky to say the least. I had to dodge abandoned cars left and right, that slowed us down. The zombies were still running frantically after us. There were three. No, five. As soon as I knew the road was clear up ahead, I took a longer glance in the mirror. Annalyse, Tom and Adrianna were running after us. But they weren't human anymore. I shifted my gaze back to the road. I turned onto a different motorway and sped up. There weren't as many cars on here as there were on the original motorway.

We didn't talk at all during the journey. We were all shaking violently, our pupils dilated and sweat trickled down our faces. I wiped my hands on my skirt, one after the other so as to not loose my grip on the steering wheel. I turned off the motorway and headed down the main road that would eventually lead to my house. I managed to get my breath to steady as my neighborhood finally came into view. It was empty, but not destroyed.

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