I'm crazy for

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Jisung texted Minho a little but he went to his family to join the the festive meal.

Minho also had to join his family soon, which stressed him a lot. He checked a few times if his hair was arranged perfectly, every strand in its place.

He took a deep breath walking out of his room and going to the living room.

"Minho, you're finally here" his grandfather said without even a bit of happiness.

"Yes, I'm sorry you had to wait, it won't happen again" he answered formally and went to exchange stiff hugs with everyone.

When the eating started it was no better. Nobody really paid attention to him, discussing about business and boring things.

"How are your studies going Minho?" His uncle asked him, so he tensed. It was better when they didn't notice him.

"Very well, I'm passing every exam with good results" He lied easily.

"Are you doing any interesting projects recently?" He continued the topic, seeming to see through his nephew's lies.

"Em" he panicked in his mind searching what he should do. He desperately thought of a solution but his mind went to Jisung "I was doing an origami museum project" he opened the photo that Jisung sent him and showed it to his uncle.

"It's not a technical drawing... More like an architecture one"

"We're starting to develop our ideas into full projects, it's just the beginning of a more complicated assignment" he explained quickly, his hands sweating.

"It's good. Show me your final result later"

For the rest of the dinner, he didn't have to answer more questions.

After the meal, all the family sat on the sofa to continue the dull conversation. Minho was about to sit there too but his cousin grabbed his wrist.

"We'll go to Minho's room" he announced pulling him to the stairs.

Minho closed the door of his room not understanding why Heeseung wanted to spend time with him.

"Look what I have" he showed him a bottle of transparent soju taking it literally out of nowhere.


"I have a lot of ways. Having parents like that teaches many useful skills. Are you drinking with me?"

He sat, leaning against the door and taking the first sip.

"Are you doing it often?"

"No, only when I'm home. Alcohol is good for... Motivation"

Minho took the bottle from him and also drank.

"Are you really that amazing student? My dad came here mainly to brag because I won the math competition. As if he didn't give me the answers the week before. Now I'll have to deal with international level"

"I suck at math"

"They'll never be honest with each other. Even if I drop out of uni they'd still lie"

"It's a family thing. I'm not even an engineering student. I'm a dance major"

"Oh, my dreams to study something connected with music" he sighed lying on the floor.

They've been drinking till the bottle was empty.

"Damn, what a strong shit that was" Minho giggled.

"I drink only those ones. They're the best to forget about our mistakes"

"To forget what failures we are"

They were heavily drunk. That brought them closer than they've been for years.

"I heard countless times that I'm a failure. But recently they treated me worse. Since they figured that I kissed a boy" Heesung's face brightened up at the thought of the boy.

"I kissed a lot of boys" Minho giggled "But right now, there is one special boy I'm crazy for"


Christmas break ended and it's school again... My only hope is to survive to winter break. Just 2 months

I went thrifting with my friend and I'm obssesed with pants I bought. My only pain is that they're for summer and there's no way I'll wear them before April 😥

Good luck in school / work


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