Fell off the chair

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"If you take any photos can you send them to me?" Minho asked putting some of his things on chairs next to them, so their friends have where to sit.

"I don't have your number"

"I didn't give it to you? Weird"

"It's a miracle that Felix didn't make a group chat yet" Jisung sighed and handed Minho his phone, so he could type in his number.

"Trust me, he will after today"

"How long do you know them?"

"Since we started uni"

"So two years? I've been that busy?" Jisung scratched the back of his head."Don't worry too much about it"

"Oh, you saved seats for us!" Jeongin walked to them happily "I'm feeling like I am on drugs"

"It's always like that when it's your first time" Minho reassured and they watched the others join."It's starting" Lia squeaked and they watched two people on the stage."Chan? Why is he there?" Jisung whispered and shouted to Felix."You didn't know? Production students are presenters and they announce performances as they're not dancing or singing"

"Hyunjin is in the first 10"

They watched dance students perform. It was so impressive. Every move was made precisely and well-trained.

"It's him!"

The crowd cheered. All of them were used to Hyunjin being so popular thanks to his talent but they also shouted to support him.

Hyunjin self-choreographed a song he found a few months ago. It had a strong vibe and sharp moves. Hyunjin did it perfectly.

Felix and then Minho were the next to perform from their group but they still had to wait quite long for it.

"I have to go" Minho said minutes later "Wish me luck"

He went backstage and Jisung couldn't see him for a while. He felt his heart skip at the thought of seeing Minho on stage.

Felix's performance was absolutely wonderful. The crowd was loud and Jisung cheering his bestie was the loudest one.

"Now, second-year student Lee Minho with a song composed by fourth-year student, Christopher Bahng" The girl with short black hair who was presenting with Chan introduced and the latter bowed.

When Minho stepped onto the stage girls squeaked loudly and started cheering him up.

"He's that popular?" Jisung mumbled to himself.

Seeing him dancing he wasn't surprised why so many admired him. His moves were smooth and very precise.

Completely different from Hyunjin's but also perfect.

Minho didn't seem to think much about what he was doing. Jisung barely saw his eyes from the distance, but from what he noticed, these eyes were focused.

He had to practice it a lot, it looked natural. The song fitted the dance, the tones changing with moves. Jisung remembered to talk about it with them.

The song ended way too fast, and loud applause was heard. Everyone was clapping impressed by the performance.

Jisung was observing the boy on stage the whole time very precisely but Minho didn't look his way at all. Until the end when sweaty and breathing hardly he looked up to the balcony and their eyes met.

Minho winked again like he did an hour ago. The younger panicked and he bent down to take a bottle of water out of his bag, which was a stupid idea. He fell off the chair and hit his arm.

"Ouch" he started to massage the sore spots and sat back on the slippery seat.

"How was it?" Minho went back to his place tired and shiny from sweat.

"Amazing!" Hyunjin said without hesitation.

"Yeah, Jisung literally fell off the chair" Felix laughed loudly.

It made Minho giggle and Jisung smiled at the sight.


I just wamt these Christmas to come. Everyone is so tired and sleepy.

The first semester is coming to an end and almost nobody from my class slept above 5 hours bc of finishing our drawings lol. Some didn't sleep at all. We're alive thanks to coffee (I'm trying to get used to the smell and flavor), a few ppl got home after handing in their works

(I'm trying to distract myself from the fact that new album is coming out tmrw, I'll be killing that for months, like I did with the others)

Have a wonderful day


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