Get a room

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"Why did you do it Jisung?" Minho said raising his voice

"I saw the way you were down every time someone mentioned our trip. There's nothing wrong in asking for help"

"You should ask me first!"

"But you would never agree! I'd love to spend New Year's Eve with you Minho! You have friends that want you to be there and can help you with it!"

"You..." He looked conflicted, debating if he was still angry at the younger or not "Thank you" He walked to the younger taking his cheeks in his hands and pressing his lips to Jisung's.

It wasn't slow, he he poured out all his emotions in it, the kiss being harsh and brutal.

Jisung wasn't used to that type of kissing but he quickly followed Minho's rhythm, making the moment incredibly enjoyable for both of them.

Jisung raised from his seat, holding Minho's neck to deepen the kiss.

"Jump" the older whispered and Jisung followed, letting Minho carry him to the bedroom.

They didn't separate from each other for long minutes, their argument turning into a makeout session.

"Are you not angry at me anymore?" Jisung smiled cunningly after they had to split up to catch their breaths.

"Not at all. I was quite angry at first but I'm happy you did it" Minho answered, turning to the side to look into the other's eyes "I wanted to go with you all but I would never have the guts to ask for such a big favor"

"Convincing Felix wasn't a big problem. You know how he is"

"Yeah, I know. Thank you anyway" he gave a quick peck at Jisung's swollen red lips "You have work or you can stay?"

"Of course I have work, as always" he sighed tiredly "But I can stay. Tomorrow we have to pack things"

"Isn't it like 3 days?"

"The third day I'll have to skip lectures. You have no idea how hard it'll be for me"

"You're a perfect student, you can do that"

"Recently I've been falling behind with projects"

"You'll catch up, I'm sure" Minho wrapped his arms around the boy and started caressing his hair.

"If you're trying to make me fall asleep, it won't work. I rested well during Christmas break"

"How long was it? Also 3 days?"

"Four. But for me, it felt like months"

"At least you took care of yourself"

"Is that all that matters for you?"

"That's important. Will you sleep here today?"

"I wish I could. It would be too problematic. We can get a room together on our trip"

"Oh, I'd love that"

"For now, I can stay here a little longer" Jisung got comfortable in the position they were and they stayed talking while cuddling for a while.


"Bro, how did you pack everything into a fucking backpack?"

"Have you checked the weather? I have one pair of shorts, a tank top, a T-shirt and swimming trunks. What do I need more?"

"A spare shorts, party outfit or cosmetics for skincare"

"I can wash them if they get dirty. And I also have the clothes I'm wearing"

"Have you even checked if there's any party?"

"Don't worry, I'll find us one quickly" Felix smiled confident with his skills and appearance.

"Why did you and Jisung arrive together?" Hyunjin got suspicious as he realized that his friends arrived at the same time "Don't tell me-"

"I don't know what you're thinking but please, don't finish. Nothing happened" Jisung cut him off worried about what he could say.

"I bet they'll sleep with each other in the next 3 days" Hyunjin whispered to Seungmin and they shook hands.


When you're tired but can't go to sleep yet

Panic attacks when you're not at home sucks and even at home they're a pain in the ass

Take care you all


Snowflakes and coffee ~ MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now