chapter 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 - outside

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Wearing her corduroy trousers and one of Kurt's huge knitwear sweaters, Emmalyn stood 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 a little café on the corner of her block, the usually warm Californian weather definitely not disappointing the cold blooded Emmalyn.

"Hey, you ready?" Amanda appeared behind her, the sun kissed skin on her shoulder being displayed as she wore an off the shoulder winter jumper, not letting up on her Californian style.


Sitting down, the cafe was awfully sweet. Emmalyn pressed the hot mug of black coffee against her lips, letting the hot liquid slip down her throat and warming her from within.

"You look... well you don't look too well, Emmy," Amanda was nursing her mug, the mauve coloured lipstick stains coating the rim where her mouth gently sipped away.

Emmalyn looked better than when she'd left the UK. The sun had been out and about for the two weeks she'd been back, and she had dedicated that time to just sitting in the sun and thinking — thinking about it all.

Her eyebags were less heavy, and her skin was a little less pale. Dry lips and skinny cheeks wasn't normal for Emmalyn, and Amanda being the closest to her, she was bound to notice at some point.

Emmalyn looked up from her coffee and sighed, "Yeah. Sorry, just been processing... everything. It's a lot."

"I bet, and don't apologise," Amanda replied softly, smiling at Emmalyn as she spoke, "How's Taylor holding up? Are you two... okay?"

"He's doing better. He starts therapy soon, which is... good," Emmalyn said, her voice steady but her mind was incredibly distant, "As for us..."

Emmalyn took a deep breath before she spoke, highlighting her tired eyes as they gleamed under the warm café fairy lights, "He's sweet, he's kind, and of course I care about him. I'm just worried..."

"Worried it's not going to work for him. Or with him...?" Amanda was a caring character, always looking out for Emmalyn, doing her makeup or picking her outfit before their night out, but she was a sucker for gossip.

The tired blonde knew Amanda wouldn't spread stuff like this to her band mates, but she knew a lot of things and still worried about them.

"I suppose so. I just don't want to push him too hard to the point where it happens again, or worse."

Amanda took a moment or so to reply, letting the mug hit her lips as she watched Emmalyn blink slowly. She genuinely felt horrible for her best friend. The worst thing was, she knew that Emmalyn cared too much for people. That was her problem.

"You just have to be yourself, Emmy," Amanda broke the silence, keeping a reassuring smile on her face, "You're kind, you're compassionate, but you need to remember that you matter just as much. You deserve to feel comfort from time to time."

The girl thought for a moment at her friend's words. About how she had been feeling so sick with worry or regret, and that it had all been for one boy who she loved probably too deeply.

"It's hard to do that when you're in love."

"I know it is honey."

Emmalyn gazed back into her mug, searching for something to see in the balck grainy residue which rested at the bottom. "I just feel lost."

"Love is messy, Em. Especially with the circumstances you're both in," Amanda remarked, causing Emmalyn to question what she meant.

"How come you say that?"

"Well..." Amanda sighed, and adjusted her glasses intellectually, causing a weak smile to crease on Emmalyn's cheeks, "Obviously you two have both been through a lot, with grief and drugs and whatnot. But if you love him..."

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 || 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now