Chapter 13

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Adam tried to sit up, he winced in pain "what?" he asked, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking about us Adam" she could see the look on his face, "I mean intelligence, what if I'm not cut out for it?"

"Darlin', you're a great cop. Intelligence is lucky to have you" he told her "what makes you ask?"

"I'm not sure" she got up from the bed, "I know you are often in danger but I hear about it once you are out of it, not while you're in the middle of it" she now understood his apprehension when she accepted the position.

"Just give it some time, don't do anything yet" he went up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "I'm sorry I scared you"

"It wasn't your fault Adam" she led him back to the bed, "I'm exhausted, and ready for this day to end"

Three months had passed and Kim was still feeling uneasy in intelligence, she knew she needed to speak with Hank.

"Sarge, can I speak with you?"

He looked up from the computer, "yea, everything okay?" He had sensed her discomfort working in the unit. He understood it wasn't for everyone, that sometimes they all straddled the line and often jumped right the hell over it.

Kim sat down, "I know I wanted to be up here, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for this" she told him "I think patrol is where I'm meant to be"

"Burgess, you're a great cop" he told her "but you're right this unit isn't for everyone, we see the worst of worst here, I had a feeling you felt uneasy with us" he sat on the desk in front of her "I can start the paperwork and next week you can go back to patrol, that work?"

"Yes, thank you" she said as she left the office "I appreciated the chance though"

"I know, don't worry Burgess" he smiled.


Sorry for the super short chapter, I thought I had hit a groove but it didn't pan out. I'm wrapping up 'Like Father Like Son' and hopefully I can come back to this one.

Or I can do a third installment (Shattered, Forgiven, and ?????)

As always, thanks for reading!


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