Chapter 20

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The sun was starting to rise and they still didn't know anything, Kim had dozed off her head on Kevin's shoulder.

"Boss, still nothing?" Kevin asked Hank when he came from the cafeteria, cups of coffee on a tray.

"Nothing, I know Bob was trying to get a nurse to tell him something" he set the coffees down, "how's Burgess?"

Kevin glanced at her, "I don't know, she's been pretty quiet" he shifted in the seat, "she's been sleeping for about twenty minutes now, I think she cried herself to sleep" his heart broke for her.

"Maybe some good will come out of this after all" Hank said, "they're both miserable, maybe they'll find their way back to each other"

Kim bolted up, "Adam!" She yelled, "I'm sorry" she apologized, "anything?"

Kevin shook his head, "his pops went to see if he could get someone to talk to him" he was nervous, the longer this went on the worse he felt, "can I get you anything, Voight brought coffee."

"No, thanks I'm fine" Kim told him, "Sean?"

"He's over by the doors, he's alright though"

Sean's arm in a sling, he felt claustrophobic in the hospital which led him to the seat closest to the door. He had sent Bethany home, he knew that last thing Kim needed was a reminder of what led to the implosion of her relationship with Adam. Bethany didn't hold Adam in the highest regard, and they had numerous disagreements about it, it was in everyone's best interest that Bethany left the hospital.

She approached him, "Sean, are you okay?" She asked taking the seat beside him, Adam's chain around her neck, she clutched the ring in her hand.

"It's nothing" he said of his shoulder, "he saved my life Kim" he told her, it was Adam who pushed him out of the way and ended up taking a bullet because of it, "if it wasn't for him, I'd be lying on a slab in the morgue"he had cut his arm on a jagged piece of glass, Adam taking the bullet meant for him.

Kim wiped her eyes, "Sounds like Adam"

"Do you know how he is?"

"Not yet"

"I'm not leaving this damn desk until I've been given an update on my son damn it!" Bob slammed his hand on the desk, catching Al's attention.

Al went to the desk, "I'm sorry m'am. Let's go sit down Bob, the nurses don't know anything" he guided Bob to a chair, "I know you're scared but look at Kim" he pointed to where she was sitting with Sean. "That poor girl is barely holding it together, you lose it and she will too"

Bob buried his face in his hands, "Olinsky, it's been hours" he looked at his watch "six to be exact" the sun reflecting off the cars in the parking lot, "look, it's ridiculous that we haven't heard anything yet" he knew a shift change was due to happen soon.

"Hey, come inside" Erin told Jay who had spent most of the night sitting on a bench in the pavilion of the hospital, "hopefully the doctors will update us soon"

Jay shook his head, "Why did I make him come out? He just wanted to go home, and if I had let him he'd be fine"

"That's bullshit and you know it" Erin told him, "you didn't know any of this was going to happen, and you certainly didn't know Adam was gonna try and play hero. He should have waited, he shouldn't have pulled his gun"

"How's Kim?" Jay ignoring what she had said.

"About what you would expect" she sat down beside him, "when you called, the way you sounded I was instantly terrified" she told him, entwining her hand with his, "I love you"

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