Chapter 35

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"Unscheduled sex, is the best sex" Adam laughed, "like seriously mind blowing" he kissed her neck, "I think I'm up for some morning sex now"

Kim laughed as his hands roamed her body, "you're definitely up for it" she teased, "but so is our son" she explained when Nicky appeared in their doorway.

"Who knew he'd be such a cockblock" Adam whispered in her ear as he rolled off of her.

"Mommy! Nicky want bacon!" He laughed as he jumped on their bed.

"I want bacon, Nick, I want bacon" Kim corrected him.

"Yep, Nicky want bacon" he smiled, continuing to jump on the bed.

"Stop son, you're gonna..."Adam said stopping mid sentence, watching helplessly as Nicky slipped off the bed and struck his head on night stand, "Shit, Nicholas are you alright?" He reached out for him pulling him up off the floor, the blood already dripping from his head.

Kim covered her face, "Is he bleeding?"

Nicky's cries filling the room, "Ah, shit. Yea. I think he's gonna need stitches" the blood pouring from his son's head, "he got it good"

"Owie, mommy it hurts" he cried as Adam grabbed his t-shirt from the floor and held it to his son's head applying pressure to the wound. Adam's hands already covered in blood along with the Cubs shirt Nicky wore.

"Darlin', you need to get dressed" Adam told her, "once you're dressed you need to hold this on his head" he instructed, "hey, breathe. He's going to be alright" he tried to soothe her, though he too felt like shit, wishing he could take the pain away from his son. It physically hurt him to see his son in any sort of pain.

Kim nodded, "I know" she retorted as she dressed, "it's just he's never gotten hurt like this before"

"It won't be the last time either" Adam handed her Nicholas and quickly dressed, "but he's gonna be fine"

They sat in the exam room for what felt like hours, "I wish the doctor would hurry up" Kim complained as Nicky squirmed in her arms, "he's still bleeding a lot, Adam. See if you can find Will Halstead"

Adam handed her a fresh gauze pad, "Here, put this one on it" he felt queasy when he saw the gash, it was deep and he swore he could see the white of his skull. He knew better than to mention that tidbit to Kim, "the doctor will be in as soon as they can baby,try and be patient"

Kim rolled her eyes, "Patient? Adam he's in pain!" tears springing to her eyes, "Take him, I will go find the doctor" she huffed.

Adam breathing a sigh of relief when the door opened and the doctor appeared, "Sorry for the delay, we just had a bus drop a kid off" he glanced at Nicholas' chart, "what happened mom?"

Kim sat up in the bed, "He was jumping on our bed this morning and slipped hitting his head, is he okay?" She could feel Nicky's body tense as the doctor touched the laceration, "it's alright sweetie let the doctor look"

The doctor squeezed the cut a little, "It's a deep laceration, I can see the skull" he told them, much to Adam's dismay, "I want to send him for a CT scan" he could see the look on Kim's face, "just as a precaution Mom, try and relax" he patted her leg, "once that's done, it'll take a few staples to close it up"

"Staples?" Adam asked.

"It would take too many stitches and the staples will speed up the healing process" the doctor explained as two nurses came in to take Nicholas for the scan, "you can go with mom"

Kim looked over at Adam, "Will you call my mom?"

Adam nodded, "of course" he kissed Nicky as they wheeled the gurney out of the room.

"Shh, it's Adam" she said when she read the caller ID, "Hello?" She suppressed a giggle.

Adam chose his words carefully, "Deb, don't panic but we're at the hospital"

She gasped, "What happened?" The tone of her voice piquing the interest of her house guest.

"What's wrong?" He mouthed, she held her hand up to shush him.

"It's Nicky, he fell off our bed this morning. He hit his head pretty good, they're just running some tests but he's fine" Adam explained, knowing his mother in law would probably panic, "Are you okay?" He could hear muffled voices in the background, "Hey, is someone with you?"

Deborah silently cursed, throwing her hand up to quiet him, "It's the television, I'm on my way"

"You don't have to come, Kim just wanted me to call you" he told her, knowing it was probably useless.

"Of course I'm coming" she told him, already getting dressed.

"What's wrong?" He asked once more, "Debbie, what is it? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He grabbed her hand.

"It's Nicky, he's at the hospital" she finished dressing, "I need to go"

Adam arrived as they were wheeling Nicky back into his room, "how'd it go?"

Kim stood beside the bed, Nicky enamored with a toy truck the radiology tech had given him, "Good, we have a brave boy. Braver than me, that's for sure" she was exhausted, "did you get a hold of my mom?"

Adam hugged her, "he's fine, you can relax" he kissed her forehead, "I did, and she's on her way"

Kim laughed, "of course she is, did you get your dad on the phone?"

Adam jammed his hands in his pockets, smiling as Nicky 'drove' the truck along the bed, "it just went to voicemail, I'll try him again later. I didn't want to leave a message"

"Well, we're here" he said as he parked the car, "you ready?"

She smiled softly, "Not sure but I guess now is a good a time as any" she told him as they walked hand in hand into the hospital.

"Alright, time to close this up" the doctor said as he pulled on a pair of latex gloves, Kim turning a shade of green when she saw the tools required to repair the gash on her son's head.

She brought her hand to her mouth, "Adam, I can't" she muttered.

He smiled, "It's fine baby, I got this go wait in the hallway for your mom" he kissed her cheek as she went to leave.

"Be brave for Mommy, Nicky"

"Nicky brave!" He smiled.

Adam held his son's hand as the doctor worked, he cringed at the sight of the needle going into his son's scalp and trying to calm the little boy. He was certain Kim and half of Chicago could hear the little boy scream.

Kim was on the verge of tears, when she heard a familiar voice, and her tears replaced by complete and utter shock at what she was seeing.


Unedited, I'm lazy I know. I really should edit them.

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