Chapter 36

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"All done?" Nicky asked as the doctor covered the wound with a bandage, it had needed five staples to close it up.

"All done, Champ" the doctor smiled, "you alright Dad? You look a little green around the gills" he smirked.

Adam held his hand up, "I'm good. Thanks" he picked Nicky up, "any special instructions?"

The doctor washed his hands, "try to keep it dry the next twenty four hours, and keep him calm"

"Yea, it would take a miracle to keep this one calm"

"I kind of assumed that considering he's here" the doctor joked, "just do your best but he's fine. Kids are tough and he'll heal pretty quick. Come back in ten days to have the staples removed, just tell them at triage what you're here for and they'll send you right back" he shook Adam's hand.

Kim was at a loss for words, "Umm, Mom..." She stuttered.

Deb looked over at Bob her hand still in his "How's Nicholas?" She asked ignoring the elephant in the room, she felt Bob squeeze her hand.

"He's.....umm...Adam's..with him" she finally managed to speak, totally blown away by what she was seeing, "are you and him...are you like a thing?"

Bob felt hurt, "Kim, I know this must be shocking for you" he spoke, Kim quickly interrupting him.

"I don't think I was speaking to you Bob" her voice cold, "Mom, what the hell?"

Adam and Nicholas emerging from the room, "Gwandma! Poppy!" He nearly jumped out of Adam's arms scampering over to his grandparents when Adam put him down.

Adam could feel the tension, "Am I missing something here?"

Kim grabbed his arm, "Yea, my mother is screwing your father" she said before stalking off down the hallway.

"Umm, what?" Adam was bewildered but he could tell by his father's body language that Kim wasn't lying, " how long Dad?"

Bob let Deb's hand drop from his "About six months, I know we should have told you both but it's a bit awkward" he smiled sheepishly, "neither one of us expected this to happen it just did"

"Look Gwandma, gots stapled" Nicky explained pointing to his head oblivious to the tension, "don't jump on beds!" He wagged his finger at her, sharing his newfound wisdom.

"That's good advice buddy" she smiled, "Are you mad Adam?"

Adam glanced over his shoulder at Kim who was staring out the window, "I'm not mad, just a little blown away to be honest. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I was worried Kim would be upset with me, she misses her dad so much. I was afraid she'd be angry with me" Deborah admitted.

"She'll be fine. She's just shocked, we both are to be honest" he smiled, "if your happy I'm happy"

"Thanks Son" Bob hugged him, "I'm the happiest I've been in years, decades even" he smirked.

It hit him, "Ah, gross!" Adam laughed.


"You where there when I called, I could hear you" he shuddered at the thought, he knew Deb wasn't alone and he knew when she first answered she was giggling and he had a hunch at what he had interrupted when he called.

Bob laughed, "Grow up Adam"

"Let's go Adam, we need to get Nicky home" Kim called from down the hallway, her anger with their parents obvious.

"Darlin', come on" Adam called her over, "don't be angry"

Kim huffed, "Don't tell me how to feel Adam, let's go Nicholas" she held her hand out for the little boy.

"Bye Poppy!" He called out as he grabbed Kim's hand.

Adam glanced back at Kim, "Just give her some time" he hugged his mother in law, "treat her right Pops, or I will kick your ass" he smiled as he hugged his father.

Bob pulled Deb into his arms, "Are you okay?"

He could feel her nod against his chest, "Yeah, I just hope Kim's okay" she replied, hoping her daughter would forgive her.

Their relationship had grown over the last six months or so, shortly after she returned to Chicago they started spending time together. It started off as friends, he had been friendly with Mike and wanted to support her during the entire ordeal.

When Mike's body was finally recovered, he was there for her. He helped plan the funeral and he held her while she cried.

Somewhere along the line, the friendship evolved and she knew she loved him, and he loved her.

They made all sorts of elaborate stories up to conceal their relationship from Adam and Kim, unsure of how they would feel.

Deborah pulled back from Bob's embrace, "Well, Adam seems okay with us" she hoped her daughter would come around, "do you think that...maybe he'll convince Kim to be okay with us?"

Bob laughed, "you have met your daughter, right?" He kissed her temple, "Honey, Kim'll come around, she's just in a bit of shock right now"

They turned to leave, "I hope you're right" Deborah said as they made their way to Bob's car.

"More?" Nicky asked holding his cup out for Kim, "Sprite?"

Kim emptied the remains of the can into her son's cup, she could feel Adam's eyes on her, "What?" She placed the cup in front of their son and handed him a napkin to remove the ranch from his lips, "Wipe your mouth buddy" Nicky did as he was told, though it was short lived as he plunged another nugget into the vat of ranch and covering his lips in the sauce all over again.

Adam pushed his own lunch away, "Tell me what you're thinking? Are you mad at them?" He wasn't, he was glad his dad was able to find happiness again and he was thrilled it was with Kim's mother.

Kim shook her head, "Mad?" She questioned, mad wasn't quite the word she would have picked, "my father hasn't been gone two years and she's already moved on, and it seems she has for awhile" she huffed, "not to mention it's a little creepy, I mean your dad? Really?"

Adam was shocked, "What's that supposed to mean?" Sure his father had his faults but he was his father.

Kim laughed, "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, Adam"

He rolled his neck, "Kim, I don't know what you mean, and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna like what you have to say"

"He's not my father" Kim told him, "she deserves better" no sooner had the words slipped from her lips did she realize how they sounded.

"Is that so?" Adam asked, his anger rising, "I'm going out" he told her, knowing if they discussed it even further someone would say something that they couldn't take back.

"Adam, I didn't mean it the way it sounded" Kim called out after him.

"Don't worry" she heard Adam yell as he backed the truck out of the drive way.

Nicky scampered into the living room, "Daddy, gone?"


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