Chapter 39

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"Poppy's boy!" Bob hollered as he ran in the living room, "hey little man, what're you doing here?" He asked as he sat Nicky in his lap.

"Mommy and daddy is working, Grandma said I can sleep over" he informed his grandfather, "we can watch bad boys, right?"

Deb poked her head out of the kitchen, "Kim doesn't like that he watches that, how about something else"

"Aw, shucks" Bob teased, "what about transformers?"

Nicky pumped his fist, "Yes!"

"Transformers it is"

"Put it on the bar!" He pushed the gun into Kim's back, "NOW!"

Kim carefully unclipped the radio from her belt and set it on the bar, "I did it, alright?"

"Gun, put your gun on the bar too" he demanded, "don't try and play hero either, I don't mind putting a couple slugs in you or anyone else in this place"

She did as directed and scanned the room, the chaos had been replaced by an eerie stillness the only sounds were the cries of an infant.

She could hear the man she assumed was in charge growl, "For the love of God will someone please shut that fucking brat up!"

"Let the baby go" Kim suggested, "let everyone go"

He laughed, "You in charge?" He inched closer to her, shoving the end of the gun under her chin. It forced her to stand on her toes in effort to take the pressure off her chin and alleviate the pain, "No one is leaving, not until we get what we came for" he jammed the gun in her neck.

Kim felt as if her wind pipe was crushed, she gasped sharply only to end up in a coughing fit, "" she managed to speak, through the pain.

"Want?" He asked.

"Yea" she nodded, wishing she had something to drink her throat irritated from coughing.

"You to shut the fuck up" he sneered, he checked his watch, "we need to move boys" he looked over his shoulder at his companions who had begun working on getting the safe opened.

Kim took a spot near the crying infant and it's mother and who she assumed was the grandmother, "you ladies doing alright?" She whispered, the fear was evident in their eyes.

"My baby is hungry" the mother offered, "I don't have another bottle for him" she cried, "it's why he's crying"

Kim nodded, "We will get out of here, I promise" she clutched the woman's hand in hers, "it's going to be okay"

As Kim sat with the two women and watched as the crew worked diligently to open the safe her eyes actively sought out Sean, unable to locate him.

"This fucking blows" Adam laughed as they gathered in the bullpen, "he's gotta call it a night now, right?" He asked no one in particular, "it's no longer our case, we shouldn't have to bust our balls and solve it for it homicide"

Jay just shook his head, "You're such a whiny bitch, you know that?"

Hank came out of his office, obviously distressed.

"Suit up fellas, we roll out in five" Hank ordered, he went to Olinsky and whispered in his ear.

Adam threw his hands up in frustration, "Shit!"

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