4+6. Mistletoe [EN]

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We're under the mistletoe,
We aren't kissing though.
Because you're not here,
In my mind you disappear.

There's no mistletoe.
No reason to kiss you, so
I'll keep dreaming
About you standing here, leaning.

I want a mistletoe to stand under,
To kiss like lightning and thunder.
I think I just want to kiss you,
And not just miss you.

I'll just throw it away,
Keep my thoughts at bay.
I'll get rid of the mistletoe,
To not think about you when I'll go.

Maybe you're waiting with another one,
Another mistletoe to wait 'til it's done.
Waiting for me under the mistletoe,
But I don't think we'll kiss though.

I'll wait for you, here,
I won't let you disappear.
You're not here yet, no,
But I'll wait for you under the mistletoe,

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