4. (not so )Sweet Sixteen [EN]

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It's my birthday, I guess,

And I know people celebrate for less.

But hey, I don't know if you've seen,

But today I turned sixteen.

Halfway through my teenage years,

I can now legally drink beers.

I might go out more with friends,

So my teenage years wil never end.

My life has just begon,

But I feel like a lot is already gone.

Things I can't get back, ever,

Not even by being clever.

Don't get me wrong,

There's also things I've won.

But I lost the thing most worth to me,

The thing that made me young and free.

I lost my childhood, and I won't get it back,

It's now forever something I lack.

It all went so fast, away in a blink,

And that's what's sad to think.

But hey, I still have several years to go,

But we don't really know.

I will be celebrating today,

Today I will enjoy my birthday.

The candles just lit,

"Happy sweet sixteen, kid".

But I'm not, not anymore,

I'm not a kid, not since a year or four.

It's my birthday, my special day,

But I don't like all the attention anyway.

I just turned sixteen, sweet,

I guess for once I won't bleed.

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