What happened to us?

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Gedicht geschreven door AnnsophieSchwarz


Out of nowhere you were there
A friend of a friend
Never expected to be mine

Over time you've become more
Than a friend, a sister maybe
Or somewhat closer to a soulmate

But then over 2 years time, that bond
Which we thought unbreakable
Broke just the tiniest bit

And just like that all the affection
We shared started to slip
Until you disappeared

Now I miss our inside jokes
Our talk that nobody understands
Our letters that we wrote yearly,
Even monthly,
Are nowhere to be seen

And even though I've learned to live,
Without it, without you
I wished we would have worked
Just a little harder and longer
To have kept what we had

Because now I have to live
With a void that's hard to fill

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 03 ⏰

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