TO _1_

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"There is omega here" My father told me. I was gonna move schools to met this omega but why though? He's an omega he is weak and useless. But my father didn't care he wanted to fined this omega.

"Okay it father may I leave now?" He nodded, I left and headed to talk to my best friend that was the slave in this house my father allowed me to talk to her only if I don't get in trouble in school and get good grades I agreed to. Alma is the most nicest person ever you can tell her anything and she wouldn't care she would just hug you and tell you you learn from your mistakes. Even if you shot someone.

I went down the basement to fined Jack my beta holding Alma by the neck. I quickly ran to them and hit Jack in the face.

"You will not dare touch Alma!" I yelled at him he just ran away. I turn to Alma to see her crying for the first time I see her cry.

"Alma?" She shook her head and sat on her bed I told her to sit down next to me. She did.

"He rejected me" My eyes widen rejected ? Are Alma and Jack mates?

"Alma are you telling me that Jack and You are mates?" She nodded and that made her worse she started to sob. I just pulled her in a hug.

"Let's ask the Alpha if you can come with to fined the omega" She looked at me and shook her head.

"I have many duties here Ryden. I can not leave them to fined a Poor pup" She said getting up and walked to her closest.

"Please Alma? Do it for me because I'm gonna be all by myself I wanna have someone with me" I heard her sigh she looked at me in eye and nodded. I grinned and went to her hugged her gave her a squeeze.

"Let's go!" I chipped skipping to my fathers office.

We got to my father office to fined the beta Samuela sitting on his lap. Disgusting. I hated that my father always cheated on my mother for the Beta. My mother knew but she never said anything because she knew she will be punished.

"What you want son and what are doing with that slave?" He asked me I just stepped forward.

"Father I will want to take Alma with to fined the omega" I told him loud and clear I felt confident. But I knew he will say no.

"Okay let her go with but I DO NOT want her dictating you from you fined that omega!" I nodded then I left with Alma following me once we were back at the basement Alma room.

"I can not believe the Alpha saying yes to such quest" I hummed in agreement.

My phone vibrated on my pocket I took it out and saw it was from the beta. (I was forced to give him my number)

Samuel: Details about the quest

-The omega scent will be HIDDEN

-You will not let that Slave keep you from your duties or there will be PUNISHMENTS

-YOU are forbidden to fall in love with the omega

What if he or she was my mate? I shook my head why would a weakling be my mate.

-Last thing  When you fined the omega FRIEND him quick as possible! Then bring him here

Thats all!

-Samuel and Hot ass Father

"What is it Ry?" I showed her the text she growled and handed me my phone back.

" I wish not to see that again" I nodded and put my phone away.

"We'll go to the new school tomorrow I will go pick out good clothe for you okay?" She nodded then I left the basement and went to prepare for tomorrow.


"So I heard there's people coming today!" My friend Alexandra said jumping up and down of excitement.

We haven't had a new students in years every since the thing happened in this school. But that is another story for another time.

"OMMG THATS THE NEW GIRL!" Alex screamed I rubbed my eyes I was gonna go deaf soon.

I scented that she was from a pack. YES I am a werewolf if you were asking. The Cross Pack. The most powerful pack now pass there territory you will die. Or you don't belong you will get killed for not being in the pack.

"Ahh!" I heard a scream it was the new girl Jack the biggest asshole in this school was pushing the new girl and yelling at her.

"You can not be here! You worthless piece of shit!" Jack yelled I ran up to her and I pushed Jack away from her.

"Leave her alone she did nothing to you!" Then my body fell on the floor pained raised to my cheek.

"Faggot stay out of  this!" Then I heard a slap noise I looked at Jack to see a guy standing there he looked like he just slapped Jack WAIT HE DID SLAP JACK! I heard everyone gasp.

"Asshole!" Jack ran away he only said that. The random guy came up to me no making any eye contact helped me up. That those coffee eyes look at me.


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