TO _6_

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Ryden POV

I was waiting for Joey at school for maybe a few minutes now. Then I saw him come out of a mustang with a girl. They both walked to the front doors but they stopped both of them looked at me.

'So He's your mate?' I heard the girl whisper but the girl wasn't a wolf she was a human I found that weird how did she know?

'Yeah but-' But the girl cut him off.

'Joey go he needs you he really needs you I don't want you or him died to' The girl said Joeys eyes went wide and looked at the girl.

'Fine only for Jas' Then he was walking towards me I started to feel nervous but I tried to keep my cool.

"Hey Ry" He waved and smiled. Damn that's cute.

"Hi so who was that?" I asked he just looked around at looked at the girl she was giggling at us.

"She's my LBF" He answered what the fuck was LBF? "LBF means Lesbian best friend by the way" Well I learnt sometime today.

"Oh cool I guess" He looked at me then kissed my cheek.

"I have to go see ya later Ry" I was standing there blushing at what he just did. I put my hand on the spot he kissed and just blushed.

"Ryden!" I saw Alma run to me and A guy was chasing after her she hid behind me but the guy didn't dare to get near me. He growled and I growled back warning him to back off. Then pushed me away from Alma and got Alma by the throat.

"AH!" She screamed trying to me breath.

"KENNY! LET HER GO!" Joey ran to him and trying pushing him away from Alma but all Kenny did pushed him away.

"Ken your gonna kill her!" Joey yelled at the Kenny but he didn't hear him.

"LIAM!" Joey yelled looking around for his brother. I saw Liam run to us and separate Alma and Kenny. Alma fell to the ground not moving. I ran to my best friend shook her a little but she didn't respond.

"Alma" I said her name but no answer.

"Alma" Then I shook her more.

"No...No...." I checked her pulse but nothing. No it can't be. SHE CANT LEAVE ME!

"Alma..." Tears started to come out of my eyes. I looked at her pale body.

"Ryden" Joey touched my arm but I shook it off.

"She was the only one who understood me Joey. She was everything to! She was like my sister" I yelled more tears started to come out of my eyes. Joey hugged me tightly saying it was okay.

Why did he kill her....

Sorry love ones but that's all
Imma put up for today (:
But poor Alma why do you
Think Kenny killed her?
Any ideas ?

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