the party

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We got there and Gally let me go "I'll be right back OK" " OK hery back please" thomas came over "hi" "can we talk please" he had a face of sadness and my eyes must be a dark blue color I tested them "what's ththee mater you seem hurt" Gally came over with a look liquid and thomas looked moro hurt here "Gally I'll be right back OK" "don't be to long" I walked with Thomas to the dead heads and he stopped and looked really sad like he was going to cry "what is the mater" I said really sad that he is sad "its him" "what why" " I..I I " "Thomas you can tell me anything" he didn't say anything just started crying I sat down with him me in his lap hugging him it was about five minutes "hay whats the mater" "him he can't have you" "what" "I don't no why" "fine DONT TELL ME GOOD BYE THOMAS" I got up and ran away almost crying when u was at the edge of the dead head I climbed up a tree and scrunched up and started crying "who's up there" the boy had a British accent and I shut up hoping he wouldn't find me I herd him walk away and I stopped crying and climbed down I started going to the party and I herd chanting *Gally Gally Gally Gally * what is happening I past throw a bunch of gladers and Gally was fighting in a circle the game was simple just push your apont out of the circle I just sat on a log and watched when that were over Gally came over "did you in joy the show" "ya ya I'm thirsty" the music started and Gally was off getting me a drink
I saw Thomas looking at me I think I should apologize I go over to him and give him a hug and say "I'm sorry" and walk away Gally was on his way with a cup "here have this" I chuged the drink a almost threw up "what is this" "nope not telling secret " "fine" I drank the rest and we danced it was bed time but I was still up half the glade was me and Gally sat down I sat on His lap he looked at me and said"I like you" I was shocked I remember Thomas *his can't have you * I almost cryed "me to i ..I have to go I'm sorry" I ran into the forest and ran to the wall" weres chuck when you need him" after awhile I cryed my self to sleep


I was in a room with toys there were three boy won with brown hair won with dark black hair and a dirty blond boy and a woman "every thing is going to change and remember WICKED IS GOOD" AND THEN THE DREAM FADED.

****end of dream*****

I sat up and started to cry I felt like a emotional person right now.

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