Ezra's POV:

I was scared for Aria and how her parents were going to react to the news. They definitely were not going to be happy with us, especially me.

They don't even know that me and Aria are seeing each other...so who knows how they are going to take the news that I got their baby girl pregnant. They definitely won't be thrilled. I was going to stand outside until Aria tells me to come in, just like we planned.
Nervously, i watched as Aria walked inside.
Aria's POV:

"mom? Daddy?" i said trying to get their attention.
"yes. What is it sweetie?" my mom answered.
"Mike you should go upstairs for this, you don't want to hear this conversation"i told my brother as he just nodded his head and made his way to the stairs.

"I need to tell you guys something. Your not going to like it" i said wiping a single tear from my face.

"What is it, Aria?" my dad asked

"Im p-pregnant" once again sounding like a question.

"Aria what kind of joke is this?" My mom asked

"Mom I'm not joking. I'm gonna have a baby" I cry

My dad instantaneously snapped back.

"Aria Montgomery go to your room immediately, you mother and i will talk about your punishment"

"I can't!" i cried.

"GO" he screamed. I ran outside into Ezra's arm. I just want to disappear.

After regaining a small amount of confidence, Ezra and I walked back inside.

"I need to tell you something else"

My dad noticed Ezra's arm around me and flipped out.
"Whats going on here!" he snapped.

"Dad, Ezra is the father, and im in love with him" i said with as much confidence as i could.

I just watched as my mother said nothing and my dad's face turned a new shade of red.

"GET OUT!" he yelled through the house.

"GET OUT!! BOTH OF YOU!! LEAVE NOW!!" he screamed. Immediately Ezra and I rushed out the door.

The second we got outside I was breaking down in sobs. I couldn't breathe. I knew this would happen. I just knew it.

The Troubled Life Of Aria Montgomery Where stories live. Discover now