Aria's POV:
How could I have been so stupid. I'm 16. How did I let this happen?

I hope A doesn't know, all though he is bound to find out. A knows everything! So basically my life as i know it is over. My parents are gonna hate me, my friends are gonne hate me, even, or especially, Ezra, my boyfriend/ English teacher is gonna hate me.  How did i let this happen? No one even knows about me and Ezra being together, never mind me having his baby? I know i have to tell them.

My phone buzzed and hoped it wasn't another threat from A.  I nervously checked the text and was relieved to see that it was only a text from my friend Hanna.

Hanna: Where the heck are u?? U were supposed to meet me, spence,and Em at the Brew an hr ago?!

Oh my god I completely forgot!

Me: omg Han, im so sorry i completely forgot. I'm on my way now

I immediately went to the bathroom to wash to tear stains and dried mascara off my cheeks and applied a new layer of make up to try and cover the fact that i have been sobbing for the last hour and a half. I wasn't ready to tell them. I wasn't ready to tell anyone.

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