◆The Party Ideas◆

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Jayslen to the left and Breelynn to the right!t
This Chapter Is Dedicated To Ltcaine1 Thank you for the comments!

Chrystyna's pov
"Breelynn! Go get some clothes packed! You're going to Ms.Nevaeh's house for a slumber party! Jayslen is going to be there so be on your best behavior! I don't want to hear anything bad when you get back from their house. If I hear anything bad about your visit, you will loose your electronics. Meaning, no computer, no phone, and no tv. Now darling, go pack up your Jordans, converse and combat boots. Your shorts, batman shirt, socks, and batman pjs. Also pack your skinny jeans and your black angel wings shirt also your underwear." I told her as she quickly ran off and returned an hour later with everything packed up, ready to go.
"Come on, sweetie, lets go wait outside since its already 5:25." I told her.
"Okay mommy!" Breelynn answered sweetly.
Kameron's pov
"Nanni Kameron, can we just go get Breelynn and Jayslen now?" Taelynn asked quietly.
"Sure, Taelynn lets go!" I said excitedly as I picked up Taelynn, Raelynn, and Kaelynn putting them in the car. I buckled them up and got in the car. I started the car and drove off to go to pick up Breelynn and Jayslen. I finally arrived at Breelynn's house and got out the car with the girls. I noticed Breelynn and Chrystyna were waiting outside for us.
"Breelynn! Yayyyy!" The girls yelled in at the same time. Breelynn giggled and ran to them and gave them a hug.
"I missed you guys!" Breelynn said, cheerfully while carrying her bag.
"Girls, go wait in the car with Breelynn while I talk to her mom." I told them. They ran to get in the car. They buckled up. "Hello Chrystyna. It's good to see you. How have you been?"
"Oh, Kameron, I've been excellent, my dear. How have you been lately?" She asked politely.
"Same here. Is there anything I need to know before I go pick up Jayslen?"
"The only thing that you need to know is that Breelynn and Jayslen don't really get along together. So if Breelynn causes any trouble just call me. Okay?"
"Okay, Chrystyna, will do." I said, before hugging her and getting in the car, buckling up. I drove off to go pick up Jayslen. We pulled into Penny's driveway. "Girls stay in the car while I go knock and get Jayslen." They all nodded in response. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out the car. I slowly walked onto the front porch of their house and knocked. Penny answered the door.
"Jayslen! Come downstairs! Kameron is here to pick you up!" Penny yelled to Jayslen.
"Okay mommy! I'm coming!" She yelled back to Penny as she ran down the stairs,carrying her bag. "Hey, Ms.Kameron!"
"Hello, Jayslen. The girls and Breelynn are waiting in the car for you." I greeted her. She nodded and ran outside to the car and opened the door.
"Bye mommy! I love you!" She said as she got in the car and waited with the girls.
"Penny, is there anything I need to know before I bring the girls to my house?" I asked.
"Jayslen doesn't get along with Breelynn at all. If she does anything bad just call me and I'll find a way to go pick her up from your house." She said, bluntly. I nodded and got into the car. I buckled up and drove home.
At Home★
•Breelynn's pov
Oh my gawd! Why is Jayslen even here?! She's a little lier! I can't stand her.
"Bree! Lets go play outside!" Raelynn giggled. I giggled with her and nodded.
"Okay, let's go outside." I said, smiling. I grabbed her hand and ran outside the back door, passing Ms.Nevaeh as I did so. "Hi Ms.Nevaeh!"
"Hello, Breelynn! It is so nice to see you. It's been so long!" She replied, quickly as we ran outside, giggling.
"Breelynn? Can I run back inside and get Jayslen, Taelynn, and Kaelynn? Please! Mommy is going to be mad if don't include the others with us, and I don't want to get in trouble." Raelynn asked me, nicely.
"Go get them, but try quickly because I don't want to be alone for too long." I answered her. "And, then we can start the party-decorating process right? Oh, please can we decorate! It will be so much fun!"
"Okay! I'll see if mommy, Nanni Blaire and Nanni Kameron can help us decorate the places where we can't reach! They can also print decorations and help us make decorations! This is going to be so much fun!" She answered, running back inside to get Jayslen, Taelynn, and Kaelynn. While she was inside, Ms.Blaire came outside and sat down next to me.
"Oh, hello darling, it's been so long since I've last seen you! You've gotten so tall! I think you might even reach a little bit above my knee! So, what do you want to do while we wait for Raelynn to bring the kids outside? We can tell jokes, tell funny stories, play tag, just talk, or do anything!" She giggled like a little kid.
"Let's just talk! Okay, so Raelynn and I were wondering if you, Ms.Nevaeh, and Ms. Kameron can help us decorate and print decorations for the party. Oh, please Ms.Blaire! Can ya'll please help us decorate?" I begged.
"Oh, Breelynn we told you to just call us Nanni Blaire, Nanni Kameron, and Nanni Nevaeh. That's up to Nanni Nevaeh if we can decorate or not. But, don't worry, Nanni Kameron and I will try to convince her to let us decorate. And if she says no, then Nanni Kameron and I will just decorate in Raelynn, Kaelynn and Taelynn's room! We can brainstorm the party ideas and decide on which colors, styles, and decorations and since there's a odd amount of people in the house,so we don't argue, we can vote." She said, smiling like she just won the lottery.
"Oh, Nanni Blaire! That's perfect!" I squealed and at that same time, Raelynn was walking outside with the others following her. She looked at me.
"Bree! What's going on?" I heard Raelynn asked, curiously. I looked at her and smiled.
"Raelynn! Isn't it wonderful?! Nanni Blaire say she and Nanni Kameron would convince your mom about the decorations! If she says no then we're just going to decorate your bedroom! We need to brainstorms,vote, print and decorate!" I said, squealing. If looks could kill, I'd be 6ft under already. And from whom was I getting the looks, you may ask? The one and only, Jayslen Michelle Peterson..
Jayslen's pov
I hate Breelynn Daniella Peirce. She always has been a spoiled little brat. She got what she wanted and didn't even care if she hurt someone in the process. She used kids. She was my first bestfriend. And she used me to blame me for pencils being thrown across the classroom.
2 Hours Later
"No, lets put that one there!" Kaelynn said pointing to where the round lamps, in her opinion, should be hung. I nodded and asked Nanni Kameron if she could help me hang them up.
"Sure Jay." Nanni Kameron said, lifting me up so I could hang them.
"Thank you." I said, sweetly. Breelynn gave me 'The Glare'. Before you even ask, its not just your usual simple glare, its the scariest glare, a person could ever give I just stared at her. Was I scared? Not really. I was use to it.

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