◆Forgive Me??◆

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♥☆♥Hello my little bumgwarfs, I am excited to announce that I am slowly having need ideas for this s tory. I although still have writer's block, a sports schedule, state testing schedule and last but not least a fishing schedule. I shall try my very hardest to update as often as I can unless I have complete brain-taken over writer's block or if my mom doesn't let me use her tablet. Okay bye bye my little bumgwarfs. Love you all, Izy ♥☆♥
P.s. I'm changing Owen's name to Kayne.
Lena's pov
I could, sadly, feel the tension in the air radiating off of Nevaeh and Kayne. I looked at Kameron and Blaire with my 'What's going on?' face. They both shook their heads.
"Hey Nevaeh, is everything alright? You and Kayne are staring at eachother like you both are going to explode." I carefully, asked Nevaeh.
"Lena, you will not believe what this dirtbag wants from me. He wants custody of my kids that all four of us helped raised by ourselves. I mean we all know how hard it is to take care a puppy but this was three little girls, all by ourselves. And where was he might I ask. No where to be found." I nodded paying attention to what Nevaeh was ranting about. I mean 'Hey, I would pissed too.'
"I understand that Nevaeh but now I'm willing to take on my responsibility as a parent to care for these girls. How can I know if I'm ready if you won't let me try it out for myself? I know I haven't been there in the past, but just let me give it a shot. Just two days, that's all I'm asking, if you want you and the others can tag along too." Kayne practically begged Nevaeh.
She stood there for a minute thinks about the pros and cons of the situation. She finally sighed feeling like she had lost the argument and finally agreed on only one exception, Nevaeh and the others and I had to be there with them, incase something should come about. She checked the time on her phone and silently cursed under her breathe.
"Okay girls, its time to go to bed. Chop chop! Go get dressed in the bathroom, Jayslen and Breelynn." The two little ones nodded before grabbing their pajamas and running off into the direction of the bathroom.
★♡♥☆♡♥★5 Minutes Later★♡♥☆♡♥★♡♥
The two little girls ran out of the bathroom with their pajamas on. Kam,Blaire,Nev, and I tucked them all into their makeshift beds in the tent. I quietly zipped up the tent door closed, leaving a small crack in the tent door. I looked at the others and motioned for us to go into the front room. They all nodded and we all walked into the front room.
"So, when are we going to Kayne's house? We need to figure out the dates before anything pops up out of the blue." I stated looking at Nevaeh and the others. They all agreed that would be a great idea. I looked at Kayne. He shrugged.
Nevaeh's Pov
I actually still don't feel comfortable going to Kayne's house. I have a terrible feeling about this. Something just doesn't feel right about it, but I atleast want the girls to know a something about their father. Even if it's just a fond memory of him. I sighed knowing that this day would come at some point in time.
"How bout next weekend? Ya'know like we sleep over Friday, Saturday, and then leave Sunday afternoon?" I told them my idea. I looked around the little group we had made on the couch in the front room. They all nodded in agreement. I smiled at them. "So, next weekend it is then."
1 week later
"Girls!? Are you done packing at all yet?!" I yelled up the stairs. I looked at Kam, Blaire, and Lena and quietly shook my head while smiling.
"Almost done!! I think Rae and Tae might need some help though!" I heard Kaelynn yelling to me. I looked at the stairs just in time for me to see Kaelynn carrying her small suitcase downstairs. I sighed and ran upstairs with Lena to help pack the others.
"I call dibs on helping Raelynn pack!!" Lena shouted. I sighed knowing this was going to be an issue with Taelynn. I watched as Lena had Rae packed completely in 10 minutes tops. It took me atleast 25 minutes to pack Taelynn. She looked up at me when I was finished.
"Thank you Momma. I love youuu!!" Taelynn smiled brightly up at me. I smiled back down at her. I sighed as I heard two car doors shut.
"Momma, is that daddy?" I looked at her again and shrugged not knowing. I walked downstairs to the front door and carefully opened the door slowly. I seen the familiar face of Kayne. I looked to the other side of the car and saw Kayne's mate, Celeste I think her name was.
"Tae! Rae! Kae! Get your butts down here." The house was so quiet, you could even hear little feet running down the stairs. I giggled, silently though.
Kayne looked at me. "Are you riding with us or taking your truck?" He asked me with his mischievous-looking face. I thought about it for about 5 seconds.

"Kayne, I'm putting my trust into you. If there is even one hair out of place on my babies' heads, then you will Never Ever see them again. I am going to ride in my truck with Blaire, Kameron, and Lena. Come get the car seats for the girls." I said, before walking outside towards my truck. I pushed the front seat forward and climbed into the back seat. I began to unbuckle the first car seat and then repeated the actions with the other two car seats. I handed two of the car seats to him and I carried the other one back to his truck. I looked at him as he slowly walked over to the truck. He unlocked the doors, and I climbed into the back seat. I buckled all three car seats into the actual seats.

I turned back around only to see Kayne sitting there staring at me. I jumped out of the truck. I started walking back towards the house, but was abruptly when he reached out and grabbed my arm stopping me.
"Hey Nevaeh, listen I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was stupid and naive. Please forgive me, My dad made me get together with Celeste or else he was going to shun me." Kayne said, with his eyes full of regret.
I just stared at him. "Are you fricking kidding me right now? You fudging rejected me and then you expect me to turn around and forgive you. Well, you know what? I don't know. You hurt me really really bad. I'll get the girls in the car so go collect your whore of a mate." I snapped at him before walking inside to go collect the girls. "Girls!! Come on! We're going to daddy's house. Lena, Blaire, Kam, can you go get all of the suitcases and just put them in the back of Kayne's truck please??" I asked them while I walked the girls to the truck. I carefully set each one of them in their color coded car seats. I buckled them up and made sure it was pretty cozy and tight. I kissed all of their foreheads. I closed the door and looked at Kanye. "I'll just follow you in my truck." I told him and walked away. I looked at Lena, Kam, and Blaire as they finished. I ran inside locked everything, grabbed my car keys and closed the front door.
I got into the driver's seat and started the car. Lena, Kam, and Blaire got into the truck. I followed Kayne as he drove to the pack house.
30 Minutes Later
We finally arrived at the pack house. I parked off to the side of the house. I parked the car. Lena, Kameron, and Blaire instantly jumped out of the car. I got out of the car, slowly. I looked around.
I walked to go unbuckle the girls. That's when I saw it. Celeste slapping Taelynn in the face. I ran over to Celeste and grabbed her around the neck. At that moment, Lena, Kam,Blaire,and Kayne walked outside.
I ran with her neck still in my hands, I slammed her againist the cement wall which led to the cells. I instantly got in her face on instinct. Kayne, and the others ran over yelling at me to stop. Bythat point there was a large number of people surrounding us. "Listen up, Bitch. You ever even think about touching ANY of my daughters again. Your heads will be on a flag pole. Got it, barbie?" I yelled in her face as her hand tried to pull my hand away. She nodded, frantically. I instantly dropped her flat on her ass. Everyone cheered as I walked back towards Kayne's truck. I opened the car door, unbuckled the girls and picked up Kae, Tae in my arms and let Rae get on my back. I looked at Kayne and he smiled brightly at me. I looked at the fake barbie walking towards us. I, carefully, set down the girls.
"Girls, go by Nannie Kam, Blaire, Lena and Daddy. Okay princesses?" I told them and they nodded running over there.
I stood up, cracked my knuckles and turned around only to be punched in the face by The Barbie. I tilted my neck to the side and cracked it. I smirked as she just stared. "Wanna fight, hoe?" I looked at her. I didn't give her any time to respond before I tackled her to the ground. I repeatedly punched her in the face, until I was positive that she was completely knocked out. I stood up and walked away from her. I turned around and walked back over to Kayne and the others. I looked at him and mouthed, 'I forgive you somewhat.' He smiled at me and nodded. I looked at the front door as Kayne's dad walked outside. I gasped. "Uncle Wes!!" I screamed running over to him. He looked at me.
"Nev!! Where have you been? I thought you moved to like Canada or something." He asked curiously.
"That doesn't matter right now. I have some words I need to discuss with you bout Celeste," I coughed hiding the words 'Fake Barbie',"Fir-"
"Momma!!! Im sleepy!!" I heard Taelynn yell to me. She ran to me and I picked her up.
"As I was saying, First off she's not your son's mate. Your listening to his mate talk right now. Second, Next time she even thinks about touching my kids she's going to die."
Uncle Wes just stared at me. "Well, I guess we have found the real Luna!" He announced loudly. I looked over at Kayne. He smiled. He picked up Rae and Kae and carried them over here. I looked up at him and pecked his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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