◆Marvel Superheroes◆

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Chapter 2
Blaire's Pov
"And take that and take that! Boom!Pow!Bam!Bam!," Raelynn yelled while watching Marvel Superheroes on The Hub. I watched Marvel Superheroes with Raelynn. "That's Spider-Man, his nickname is Spidey! He's funny most of the time. Nanni, who's your favorite super hero? I like Captain America! What's your favorite song? What's your favorite color? I love blue. I love Cinema by Skrillex." She asked me alot of questions. "What's your middle name? What's your full name? Do you have any pets? Do you have a boyfriend?"
"My most favorite super hero is Iron Man. My favorite song is She-Wolf by David Guetta. My favorite color is green. My middle name is Kael. My full name is Blaire Kael Kingsly. I have a baby pitbull mixed with lab as my pet. No, I don't have a boyfriend." I told Rae. I stared at her. I heard someone knocking on the door. Taelynn and Kaelynn came running downstairs. I looked at them.
"Tae! Go answer the door!" I heard Kaelynn yell. I walked to the door and picked up a scared Taelynn and opened the door.
"Who is it? Oh, why are you here, Owen?" I asked Taelynn, Raelynn and Kaelynn's dad. He didn't want anything to do with the girls after they turned a month old.
"I'm here to see my kids." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy.
"You lost that right." I said blankly, still holding Taelynn. Raelynn and Kaelynn came running behind me to see who it was.
"Nanni, who's that weird man?" Raelynn asked. She stared at him. Kaelynn stared also. Raelynn looked at him then at Taelynn.
"Rae...Tae...Kae..." He said. Tae looked at Rae then at Kae. "I'm your father." He said. Rae yelled. Soon, Nevaeh pulled in the drive way. She was driving her Chevi pick up truck.
"Mommy!" The girls said in unision. Taelynn jumped out of my arms and ran to Nevaeh.
"Hey sweeties." Nevaeh said. She looked at Owen. I swear I heard a growl come from her.

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