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This is Chapter 5. I have writer's block for past days, I need some suggestions from the readers who are actually reading this story. If there is any mistakes please inform me.
*Warning Some Language, Maybe, I don't know yet. I haven't decided yet, but I'm still going to put the warning incase there is and I forget to warn people.*
~Kameron's pov~
After decorating, all the girls, Blaire and I threw a huge slumber party. We stayed up late watching movie like 'Wreck It Ralph, Inside Out, and Minions.' It was really funny. After the movies, we had a pillow fight. Blaire disappeared after the movies and we haven't seen nor heard from her since. Nevaeh was still talking to Owen. Raelynn, Taelynn, Kaelynn, Jayslen, Breelynn, and I were just sitting here giggling and playing 'Duck, Duck, Goose.'
"Kameron! Can I have a word with you?" I heard Nevaeh yell from the Living room. The girls all groaned in sadness.
"I'll be right there, Nevaeh! Oh, don't worry girls, I'll be right back, I promise!" I said in a goofy manner, to the girls, making them giggle. I stood up and walked to the Living room. "Yes, Nevaeh? You called? I'm trying to hang out with the girls."
"Kameron, you won't believe what just came out of Owen's mouth! He just said that he wants to have custody of the girls!" Nevaeh yelled. I looked at her and death glared at Owen.
"How dare you say 'You want to have custody of the girls!' All this time you haven't even had anything to do with the girls, No Happy Birthday calls, No visits, No anything! Then you want custody of them!? What the hell is wrong with you?! Like damn! You could've at least called them for their Birthday! They asked Nevaeh, 'Mommy where's daddy?' because you didn't show up to a Birthday party for your own flesh, blood and DNA. Like what the hell! Hold up, let me call Briarcliff because obviously you need some professional medical attention! Oh wait, I forgot, They don't take lying, child abandoning, ass hats of a dad! Oh I'm sorry, your not a dad muchless a father to these girls! You haven't raised them, bought them clothes to wear on their backs when we couldn't afford to buy a new washing machine! You never helped out with them. You haven't held them when they cried because of nightmares, and being in pain. Oh and let me tell you something, Owen, you will never get custody of these girls! Especially while I'm alive so don't even have the audacity to say 'I want to have custody of them'. Remember? They didn't even know who you were until you told them and after you told them, Raelynn went off on you. So you know what, No. You will never have custody of the girls." I yelled in his face. He looked shocked. Nevaeh also looked shocked by my sudden outburst. Blaire ran into the room, obviously out of breath.
"What happened? I heard yelling. Why were you yelling, Kameron? Where's the girls? Oh my god, are they hurt? Are they okay? Girls! Where are you?!" Blaire yelled as the girls ran into the room with Breelynn and Jayslen trailing behind them.
"We're right here Nannie Blaire. We were playing 'Duck, Duck, Goose'. We heard Nanny Kam yelling. Why were you yelling?" Raelynn asked.
"I was yelling at Owen, honey, he said he wanted to take you to go live with him and his wife. But we're not going to let that happen are we?" I asked her. Raelynn, Kaelynn, and Taelynn, all shook their heads.
"But we want to live here with Mommy, Nanny Blaire and you! We don't want to go live with them!" Kaelynn said,on the verge of tears. She ran to Nevaeh and hugged her, crying. "We want to stay here!" She cried more.
"Awwe, don't worry baby, it's okay, you're not going live there okay? None of you are. Ya'll are going to stay here and live with Nanny Kam, Nanny Blaire and I. Don't cry Kae." Nevaeh said, picking her up and hugging her. Kaelynn looked at Blaire and I. She soon calmed down and relaxed into Nevaeh's arms.
"Sorry Daddy, but Mommy, Nanny Kameron, and Nanny Blaire said we can't go live with you. We get to stay here and live at home. We don't want to go live with you." Raelynn practically whispered. Owen looked shocked.
~Blaire's pov~
I can't believe what I just heard Raelynn say. She does have every right to say what she just said, but I didn't actually think she would say it. Then again, she went off on Owen earlier, so I don't even know why I'm surprised. Raelynn looked proud of what she just said. Kameron and Taelynn just stared at her.
Breelynn and Jayslen soon ran into the room looking for the girls. When they found them, they ran over to them. Breelynn and Jayslen looked at everyone.
"What's wrong?" Breelynn asked. We stared at Jayslen and Breelynn, as if they were Aliens from a different Galaxy. I shook my head, mouthing over to her 'Not Now'.
Just Then Realization Hit Me Like A Brick.
"Hey, Nevaeh, Don't the girls start their First day of school Monday?" I asked, glancing at Nev.
"Yeah. Thank you for the reminder, Blaire. C'mon girls, it's time to party!" Nevaeh yelled, just like a kid.
~Owen's pov~
"How dare you say 'You want to have custody of the girls!' All this time you haven't even had anything to do with the girls, No Happy Birthday calls, No visits, No anything! Then you want custody of them!? What the hell is wrong with you?! Like damn! You could've at least called them for their Birthday! They asked Nevaeh, 'Mommy where's daddy?' because you didn't show up to a Birthday party for your own flesh, blood and DNA. Like what the hell! Hold up, let me call Briarcliff (American Horror Story Asylum) because obviously you're insane! Oh wait, I forgot, They don't take lying, child abandoning, ass hats of a dad! Oh I'm sorry, your not a dad muchless a father to these girls! You haven't raised them, bought them clothes to wear! You never helped out with them. You haven't held them when they cried because of nightmares, and being in pain. Oh and let me tell you something, Owen, you will never get custody of these girls! Especially while I'm alive so don't even have the audacity to say 'I want to have custody of them'. Remember? They didn't even know who you were until you told them and after you told them, Raelynn went off on you. So you know what, No. You will never have custody of the girls." Kameron yelled in my face. The words she just spat out at me, burned me like acid. I just stared at her, shocked.
~Ten Minutes Later~
I watched as Kameron, Nev, and Blaire joked around with Tae, Rae, Kae, Bree, and Jayslen. I sighed wishing I was there for the girls. I understand why I can't have custody of the girls but I still should get supervised visitation rights, at the least.

'Hello, It's I was wondering if after all these years you'd answer the phone' I realized my phone was ringing so I looked at the caller i.d. and finally answered feeling like I was very late on answering.

"Hey Babe." I told my wife, Celeste. I looked at Nevaeh and I noticed she was looking at me. I stared at her and noticed she was trying to mouth, 'Take it outside.' I nodded understandingly and walked through the front to have a conversation on the phone in private with my mate.

"Heyy Baby. When are you coming home?? I miss you. Is Nevaeh going to give you custody of the girls?" Celeste asked me curiously.

"I don't actually know when I am coming home. I miss you too babe. No Nevaeh isn't going to give me custody." I told her. "Hey babe, I have to go. Love youuu!!"

"Awwwe okay honey. Love youuu toooo!!!" And with that, Celeste hung up the phone. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked back inside to the others laughing. I looked at Nevaeh and the kids. There was a sudden knock at the door. I looked over at Nevaeh only to her jumping up to go answer the front door.

"Hel- OH MY GOD! BLAIRE! KAMERON! OH MY GOD! IT'S LENA!" I heard Blaire and Kameron gasp very loudly. I heard the girls giggle at them.

"Well, Hello to you too girls. I've missed ya'll it's so good to be home. My trip to Australia was so beautiful. There was so many Kangaroos. I just loved it there. Kameron, Blaire, Nevaeh I have a serious question for you guys. CAN WE PLEASE MOVE TO AUSTRALIA? PLEEEEAAASSSEEEE??? I'll protect ya'll from the spiders. There is so many spiders there by the way oh my god." Lena, Nevaeh's other bestfriend said.

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