◆Kaelynn, Taelynn, Raelynn◆

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Chapter 1▪
Nevaeh's Pov•
Hi, I'm Nevaeh Raen (pronounced: Rayen) Samson. I'm a werewolf. I have 3 children. Their names are Taelynn, Raelynn and Kaelynn. I am an unmated she-wolf. My children are triplets. They're 5 years old. Their father found his mate right after they were born. After I had them, my own family betrayed me and stopped talking to me. I am 23, blonde straightened hair, and blueish-greenish eyes. I am in college going for my college degree in Art. I love my children. I raise them with my best friends Kameron and Blaire. They're cousins. We all live together in Blaire's own house. My father is Alpha Dan of ThunderBlood pack. I still talk to my brother and father. All my mother wants is for me to be dead. She says she only has 1 Child, the other was miscarried.
"Mommy! Tae hit me!" I heard Kaelynn yelling at Taelynn for hitting her.
"Shut uppppp Tae and Kae!" Rae yelled. She cuddled into a pillow and started dozing off. I called Blaire, her cousin was supposed to come pick me up sometime soon so I needed to be ready.
"Blaire can you come home? I need some help with my looks for the date." I asked.
"Sure, I'm on my way home right now." She replied politely.
I looked at the triplets and waited for Kaelynn and Taelynn to calm down and get ready for the date. I started to look at Raelynn. Her cute-self. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and her adorable snapbacks. Sleeping.
"Raelynn..Wake up honey. We don't wanna be late for our date." I said to her gently. She looked at me and got up. She hugged me and ran to the triplet's closet. After about 15 minutes she came out wearing her black and white aztec decorated tights and grey wife beater with a pink glittery skull rib cage on the front and her marvel superheroes snapback. Her hair was down on the side. Then I looked at Taelynn.
She was wearing her Jordans with her black tights and her camo army shirt. Her hair was in a fish tail braid. I looked at Kaelynn.
Simple converse sneakers, black tights and a red and black plaid shirt. Her hair was up in a ponytail.
Kameron's Pov•
I was walking straight through the door when Raelynn appeared.
"Nanni Kameron!" she yelled and hugged me, " How was work? Can you help us with our outfits? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite color? Do you have a boyfriend? Mommy might get a boyfriend tonight. Nanni Blaire's cousin is coming pick us up. Do you have any pets? Am I pretty? 'Cause your pretty. I wanna be just like you when I grow up. I love you Nanni Kameron!" Raelynn said. Thank god I could understand her, or she would be having a hissy fit. Well, time to answer all of her questions.
"Hey Raelynn. The answers to all of your questions is: Fine, Of course, If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens, Blue and Green, No, That's wonderful for Mommy, Better say Thank you to Nanni Blaire, Yes, No you're not pretty.." I stated then continued just beforeshe started to cry," You're beautiful, Awww so sweet, and I love you too." I looked at her goofy smile on her face. I giggled. "Come on Rae. Let's get you, Taelynn, Kaelynn and Mommy ready for your date. You look beautiful Rae." I told her.
•Taelynn's Pov
"STOP IT KAELYNN!" I screamed at Kaelynn for her to stop pulling out my earrings. It was getting on my nerves.
-Kaelynn's POV-
"Neverrrrrrr!" I yelled back at Taelynn. Wait a minute... "Where's Raelynn?" I asked. Just then Raelynn and Nanni Kameron walked through the door. "NANNI KAMERONNNN!! Nanni Blaire walked through the door.

-------------------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE---------------------------------
Hey guys! This is Izy! How do y'all like it so far? Should I Continue?

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