Movie night.

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Possible trigger warning, its supposed to be creepy and stuff, none of this is targeted.

The toons gather round the Christmas tree, opening gifts and cheering songs in joy. Life was a thrill they all enjoyed.

Later that night after the Christmas feast, toons sat around the carpet with glee.

"Movie night!" toodles shouts, everyone was excited with out a doubt. 

One toon, though, could not enjoy, despite the gifts and movies and even the toys.

Dandy sat on the floor, staring to space, lost in time, a grave look on his face.

He blinked, and the world he knew was gone, no peep, no sound, not even a random song. 

The TV was static, and his mind run frantic.

 A tape that said 'Play me' sat on the floor, you could hear a pin drop, or a creak of a door. 

He grabbed the tape, put it in the vcr, and all you could hear from it, was the alarm of a car.

Static, noise, oh me oh my! All coming from an all seeing eye.

He recognized the gaze, a familiar one that blurred into a haze.

"its all your fault." The eye said, its gaze staring back Into the flower filled with dread.

"I'm sorry..." he replied, wishing to push the past aside.

"Its your fault." The eye repeats, a voice he remembers who used to count sheep.

"You know what you did, you didn't stop it!" It said with anger.

"It will always be your fault." the tape cuts.... 

Leaving you on a cliff hanger.

(bet this shit is cringe, ngl)

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