🍓Its you... Despite it all..🍩

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Its still you.



Twisted x toon


Angsty angst and fluffy fluff

I'm sorry I can't get these fucks out of my head

Third person POV

It was floor 32, Cosmo was on two hearts, covered in bandaids. Just as he walked out of the elevator, it was a blackout, and Goob was already taking hits due to two mains chasing him.

"COSMO! I-" Goob was cut off by Cosmo healing him. He let out a sigh and went to a staff room to hide.

He heard footsteps approaching, holding his breath as he hid under a table. The door opened, large steps and huffs were heard as the being held itself. Cosmo leaned out a bit to take a closer look, but was immediately snatched by the tall beast. This was it. He was dead. Boy would this be painful.


The monster hugged him after taking a good look

Cosmo POV

Huh? Hang on!.. Sprout! Hes...

"Sprout? You... So this is where you went..."  I say as he sat down, still hugging me. Sprout was crying, but trying not to get ichor on me.

"hey buddy, I need to help with machines... Would you be willing to be nice to the others and wander with me while I do machines?" he nodded and stood, bending to cling to me as a walked out of the room.

Tisha looked scared and started running but Sprout didn't even try to go after her, too focused on me. I started working on a machine, trying to talk to him. 

"I'm sorry, I've been looking for you but I didn't realize you went down... Here... By uh, by any chance you have bandaids? Or a med kit?" I was trying not to loose consciousness, adrenaline was wearing off now that I wasn't exactly worried. He walked off, and came back with a small bag, sitting next to me and treating my wounds and bleeding as I worked on the machine. He went back to cuddling me as I finished the machine, feeling a bit better after the bleeding stopped. I checked my watch and saw there was two more machines to be done.

Fuck. I'm conflicted, should I stay with him? Should I leave him? If I stay I'm going to get corrupted... But i... I love him too much to leave... Wait... Weren't toons supposed to regenerate? He should be back by now... This is serious.

I'm taking him with me.

I led him toward the elevator, and as it opened, I brought him in. It was hard, because for some reason, the twisteds freak out when they see don't cross tape. I had him sitting in the corner as I healed people that ran by, ending back up on one. Again. Fuck. I was losing a bit too much blood.

The next floor was in front of me in a blink of an eye, and everyone told me to stay in the elevator. I sat next to Sprout, and he had somehow brought the bag with him. He fixed me up again and picked me up and held me in his arms. I was so tired, I just fell asleep. But in my last moment of consciousness, I felt him kiss my forehead. I let out a content hug and fell asleep.

As I woke, I was in bed, sprout sitting on the floor curled up in a ball like a cat, or a centepide, Or dragon. He reminded me of all of those right now. I sat up and immediately felt a shock of pain, looking down, I noticed I'm completely covered in bandage, wrapped like a mummy almost. A lot of it was dirty with my own blood, which made me shiver. I need to let the others grab healing stuff more often... But the rush I get almost makes all this worth it. I hissed a bit as I got out of bed, sprout immediately sat up and helped me stand.

"I just want food :[" I say. Sprout helped me put on a shirt and carried me to the kitchen, helping me make toastees for breakfast. As he sat me back in bed, I notice he is very close to me and almost has a... Uhm..

"Do you wanna kiss?" I say, caving in. Fuck it. We ball.

As he nods, I lean over and kiss him, on the lips, yucky. I wipe the ichor off of my face and laugh at his puppy eyes. 

"I don't mind if you kiss me Sprout" I say, and he gets on the bed and kisses the top of my head and cuddles me as I eat my breakfast. We kinda just cuddle and talk, well I talk more because he physically cant.

Its still him. 


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