Chapter 2

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Aislinn was waiting for the darkness. For the crush of unconsciousness to settle over her like it had countless times before. She waited.

And waited.

It was then that it happened.

She opened her eyes.

Not that it helped much. It was pitch black and being so weak her night vision was a no-go. So she couldn't see shit.

But she could blink her eyes. Though it was sluggish and awkward. It felt amazing.

She didn't need to actually see anyway. She suspected she already knew what she'd be looking at if she could. And she wasn't missing much. After all if she wasn't mistaken, and the evidence supported her conclusion fully, she had already graced this lovely abode with her presence before. And she unfortunately knew every dreary, plain-ass, grey, concrete inch of this hell.

Not that this was a repeat visit.

No this wouldn't be a do over. No dungeon vacation 2.0

If her calculations had been correct the last time she had had the pleasure of these luxurious accommodations she had been here around eight months.

And believe you, that was seven months and 29 days far to long.

She took a deep breath trying to remind herself that this was different. She was different.

It was difficult though.

It felt the same.

Hurt the same.

Sounded the same.

Smelt the ... wait.

What the hell was that?

She took a deep breath trying to use what little strength she had managed to accumulate to filter through the stench in the air trying to pin down the scent that had caught her attention.

There that!

Wait. What?! Impossible.

"Oh my god! Thank you Dolores! You're finally awake!"

The voice was too high-pitched. Too loud and too close to her poor fragile eardrums. She winced trying to distance herself from the source of the high-pitched noise.

"Oh sh*t I'm so sorry! Damn Kady always says I'm too loud. And talk too much." The voice finished sheepishly. Thankfully at least it was a bit softer and lower this time. Although the near whisper was still enough to grate inside her still pounding skull before bouncing against her brain like a hammer. A girly high pitched hammer. But still a hammer all the same. She winced again.

"You probably need water. Here ... I'm sure I had some hidden somewhere in this flea ridden rat infested disgusting ... Sh*t! Sorry I'm doing it again aren't I?" She babbled. Aislinn might have snapped at the girl if she had any strength at all. But as it was she was as helpless and weak as a newborn babe.

"Ah ha!" The voice shrieked from somewhere in the dark. Aislinn managed a flinch this time.

Which was a BIG mistake. Lancing pain raced through her muscles settling deeply into her bones pulsating sharp white agony through her entire skeleton.

Note to self ... DO NOT MOVE.

"Sorry damn. I'm not doing such a great job here am I? Well I mean this is totally more my mom's thing then mine, but I guess you're stuck with me huh? I mean not like your gonna go anywhere am I right?" The girl chatted as she pressed a plastic bottle to Aislinn's parched and chapped lips. The small dribble of cool water was like an explosion of heaven in her mouth. She greedily swallowed all that was offered to her. Feeling it hit the hollow empty pit of her stomach with a sickening thud. Her empty belly twisted trying in vain to dispel the foreign substance.

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