Chapter 25

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"So where are we going?" Ciera asked her voice curious and not the least bit concerned as the Oblitus wolves lead them deeper into the dense forest.

Aislinn on the other hand was not at all relaxed or impressed as the realization that the large Alpha was still holding her slowly dawned on her. He was cradling her bruised and bleeding body against his chest, her head on his shoulder. Her frown deepening with every step he took. As loath as she was to admit it, the small respite was actually needed, and was working to ease some of the pain and exhaustion as her body struggled to heal, though any gratitude she felt was quickly being replaced with irritation.

As if sensing the growing dark emotions beginning to surge through her Ciera turned her head, catching her eyes. Hers widening in shock as she took in the storm brewing in their grey depths.

"Ais what's wrong?"

"Princess is something the matter? Are you in pain?" The chest under her rumbled with the deep words, concern and a hint of fear coating them.

Anger and self-righteous indignation lent her exhausted body energy as she snapped her eyes to the Alpha's face her muscles tensing in his hold. "Put. Me. Down." Aislinn wasn't sure if it was the shock of her words or her icy stare that had done the job, but the towering Alpha was quickly stopping in his tracks, his arms slowly lowering her until she was unsteadily planted on her own two feet. His face was a mask of worry, and his hands lingering near her as if he was expecting her to collapse at any moment. Which Aislinn admitted wasn't that far off as a possibility.

"Good boy Hulk." Ciera said glancing between the two of them in obvious amusement. "Now see Ais this is how they're supposed to be trained. We should have him teach the other knuckle draggers we've been lugging around with us how to follow simple orders."

"My name is not Hulk, it is Rainer Fide." Hulk said, frowning as he glanced at Ciera. Who just winked back at him with a "Whatever you say Hulk", leaving the Alpha gaping at her.

"Where are you going?" Ciera called after Aislinn.

"To get my baby."

"You have a pup?" Hulk asked breaking out of his 'Ciera-induced' bewilderment.

"No you dingbat! Keep up Hulk, I expect better from you. Hey! Idiot stop growling!"

"Stop insulting my Alpha." A wolf snapped at Ciera. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?!" He asked in astonishment as he stared at her.

"Duh! Man you need to chill it out." Ciera said rolling her eyes at him again and waving off another growl from the offended wolf. "Here take this." She said shoving the heavy bag of books she had been lugging around with them at the now flabbergasted wolf.

"I don't take orders from you." He finally snarled out at her, while trying to shove the heavy canvas bag into her hands.

"Max!" Fide snapped at the warrior wolf, before turning back towards where Aislinn and Ciera were now quickly moving through the forest in the direction they had just come from. Ciera threw a grin at the wolf who was still holding the bag and gaping at her, "And be careful with those they're important!" She called out before turning to Aislinn, "Ais you can't go back." She exclaimed in exasperation stopping in the middle of the path her hands on her hips.

"Watch me." Aislinn replied.

"Just forget about it." Ciera called out at her as she merely kept walking throwing a glare over her shoulder. Ciera let out a long sigh, rolling her eyes before giving in and grudgingly following her stomping her feet in protest of her unhappiness.

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