Chapter 6

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What now?


Only she couldn't exactly say that. The girl was holding on by a string and if she knew what Aislinn was planning she might be pushed over the edge. And Aislinn had promised to get her to her brother and that would be a lot easier if she was functioning.

"Now we get out."


Was it twisted that she missed the sarcastic comments? The arguments. The babbling. This silent new easy-going thing was creepy.

"You good?"


"You're freaking me out."

"I'm freaking you out? I just watched you literally fillet yourself alive. I think I win this race."

"That's better."

"Humph." Ciera grumbled while crossing her arms and shooting Aislinn a glare that she supposed was supposed to be intimidating but failed miserably.

"The guards should be around in just over three hours. I'm going to use the time to heal and rest you are going to stand guard."

"And then?"

"Have you ever been in a fight?"


"Well then your first is going to be a doozy."

Her words were met with an audible gulp.



"You killed him!?"


"You f*cking killed him!"

"Are we back to this again? I take it back I liked you better when you were in shock."

"Shut up."

Rolling her eyes Aislinn went back to patting down the body of the guard. Who as Ciera had so eloquently pointed out she had just killed. Snapping necks is not the easiest way to kill someone but without any weapons and still unable to shift it had been her only option. Of course being weak meant that there had been a slight struggle before she had managed to take him out. Her wrists were screaming in protest. The fragile new skin and tissue resenting the harsh treatment. But it was worth it.


Keys, knife and best of all a gun with ... yes! Silver bullets.

"Here take this." Shoving the black pistol at Ciera who grabbed it like it was a bomb before awkwardly cradling it between her palms.

"Shove it in your pants."

"What!? Are you crazy I'm not doing that! What if I shoot myself?"

"Will you just shove it in your damn pants and help me roll this guy over."

"What the heck for?"

"I want his shirt."

"Oh of course! Excuse me your highness, I should have realized you'd want the dead guy's shirt. My bad."

Her heart jumped at the off-handed mention of her title. Panic flooding her brain until she realized the girl was merely trying to be insulting. The last thing she needed was her finding out who she was. It ALWAYS caused problems. Take Richard, Kaiden, Olivia hell any of them for example.

Her chest squeezed tightly.

"In case you haven't noticed I am currently naked. And as fun as that is, I would prefer to execute our escape in some form of attire. So yes if you could spare a moment I would very much appreciate it if you would help me so I may wear the 'dead guy's shirt'."

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