Chapter 16

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The office was crowded when Kaiden and Aislinn entered. People and emotions filling the space until it was bursting. Keeping Aislinn pressed to his side. Their presence slowly washing through the room, voices and conversations falling quiet as heads and eyes lowered to the floor.

Moving around the desk to his seat Kaiden pulled his mate onto his lap. Settling her so she straddled him, her knees resting on either side of his hips, her thighs lying along his. Relaxing into his hold she let her chest rest against his comfortably, her face nuzzling into his neck. Not only reassuring his wolf, but clearly and rather explicitly establishing his claim on her. She was his.

Kaiden's head moved to watch as Richard pushed himself off the wall where he had been leaning. Taking a step towards them he looked to Kaiden for a sign. Nodding to the Guardian Kaiden held himself immobile, still unsure what would happen when the very powerful and dominant male moved into such close proximity. With long strides Richard moved to stand protectively behind the leather desk chair where Aislinn sat with him, his eyes running over her. Kaiden relaxed when he realized his wolf was unconcerned and unaffected.

"Your highness. My Queen." Richard's head bowed respectfully with the acknowledgments.

Without warning Kaiden's body jerked. A frown appearing as he looked around the silent room. Turning his head to stare at the Guardian, who looked back at him questioningly.

Before he could voice his thought's aloud, Aislinn's voice filled his head. "You're beginning to be able to access their minds and the links. Our mating is solidifying your role to them."

Looking down at her he raised his eyebrows. "My role?"

Even through the mind link she couldn't hide her exhaustion, a tired 'mhmm' sounding in his head.

"You should have stayed in bed and rested love. You're still weak and recovering from what that bastard did to you. I should never have finished the mating with you so fragile." He growled the last thought more to himself then her, his arms tightening possessively. Guilt and worry gnawing at him.

"I'm not tired."

He resisted rolling his eyes at her. "Of course not." His tone remaining unconvinced.

"Your role as King. It's solidifying through the oaths." She said ignoring his comment and expanding on her earlier words.

"But you haven't claimed your crown."

"Yes well, apparently that doesn't mean as much as I would like it to. As Richard is so fond of reminding me, it is mine and now yours, whether we want it or not." There was a moment of silence and Kaiden could feel as she faintly pulled back from him. His hand unconsciously moved to rub over her back, instantly picking up on her unease and discomfort. Richard shifted beside them, subtly moving closer as he too picked up on her emotions. Letting his mind reach out, Kaiden gently prodded along hers.

"Do you want to be King?" She finally asked. Her voice detached, her mind closed off and her thoughts hidden from him. In that moment he was reminded of the girl he had first met. When her voice had been flat and monotone, her face and eyes hooded and empty of any emotion or light.

His hand rubbed over her back again, pressing her into him as he considered her words. It was easy to recognize that her question meant a lot more then she wanted to let on.

"I want to be with you." He finally said his head bending so that his lips were next to her ear, wanting to say the words to her and not simply think them. "I want to be with you. And if that means I must be an Alpha, a King or a pauper then I will gladly be it."

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