Chapter 19

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The camp wasn't that far. A slow fifteen minute drive down a forgotten hunting path got them to the clearing Maleco had settled in just that morning.

Doors slammed from the two SUV's as they all climbed out. Aislinn didn't look back but she knew all her guardians stood stiffly behind her, their eyes scanning everyone and everything around her searching for threats and dangers. When Maleco got out he was greeted by a beautiful woman with dark assessing eyes and striking features. They conversed quietly as Aislinn reached into the back and picked up Kio. Turning back around, she came face-to-face with Maleco and the woman.

"Beta Liesel, Your Majesty. Liesel may I present Her Royal Highness Queen-"

"Aislinn" Aislinn jumped in. "And please the formalities are not necessary I still have yet to formally claim the throne."

"It is still yours-" came from just over her right shoulder.

"Shut up Richard." She snapped, without turning.

"He is correct though Your Highness, the throne and crown are yours." Aislinn rolled her eyes at Alpha Maleco's words, waving them off in annoyance. Smiling she looked at the new woman. She was tall with an athletic build. Her glossy black hair was pulled away from her face and into a tight knot at the nape of her neck. "It's a pleasure to meet you Beta Liesel and this is Kio." She said pressing a kiss to the head of the wiggling pup in her arms.

"It is an honor to meet you Your Majesty and please just Liesel." Liesel said, her voice warm and rich like honey.

"Only if you call me Aislinn." She said, chuckling softly when the woman nervously nodded, while looking to her Alpha for help.

"Why don't we go inside where it's dry?" Maleco said gesturing to one of the many canvas tents that were spread around the clearing.

Aislinn let herself be lead into the spacious and comfortably worn space. Shivering slightly she was thankful to take off some of her damper outer layers. She placed Kio on the floor where he instantly set off sniffing and exploring. Every so often returning to jump at her legs, licking her trailing fingers and pressing himself against her.

Her and Ciera wrapped the offered blankets around themselves. Sitting on two of the folding chairs around the desk that sat in the center.

"Your guardians?" Maleco questioned, looking at her as he took up a seat only once she was settled in her own. A seat which decorum dictated must show a position of if not less, than at least equal position and power to the one she had chosen. She was the Monarch, deference and hierarchy said that he could not take a seat that represented a position of greater power, such as the chair behind his desk. Aislinn thought the displays were stupid and frivolous, but she also understood that they represented something meaningful and important to those who held them, and so she held back her comment.

"I feel safe in your company Alpha. Please have them shown to accommodations."

Bowing his head, "Of course Your Highness." His eyes slightly unfocused as he sent the command through the mind link. Curiosity shone in his eyes but he remained quiet.

There was a soft knock on the canvas of the tent. A girl around Ciera's age entered when Maleco called out, carrying a tray of tea. Bowing her head lowly in submission her eyes darted to Aislinn as she placed the tray on the Alpha's desk.

"Thank you Lily." Maleco said kindly.

The girl, Lily, smiled timidly before bowing her head again and turning for the exit.

"Lily." Aislinn called out. Waiting until the girl had turned, her eyes now glued to the floor. Rising she ignored Maleco as he stood as well, his eyes questioning. She stepped closer to the small she-wolf. Even without her wolf to confirm it, it was obvious she was an omega. One who had evidently been beat down most of her life. Aislinn knew the story her bowed shoulders, and fearful eyes told. Bracing herself against her old fears, and hating that once again she wished Kaiden stood at her side to help and support her during times like this, she reached out her hand. Her fingers softly cupping the girls chin. Tugging it up so she could look into the golden hazel of her big doe like eyes. "Thank you." Smiling she let her hand fall, stepping back and returning to her seat.

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