Chapter 15

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It was dark when Aislinn woke up. At some point while she had slept Kaiden must have gotten up and turned off the light in the dressing room, leaving only the moon and stars casting shadows over them. Stretching out her muscles and wincing slightly at the soreness she buried her face back into her mates shoulder. Curling her body closer to his seeking out his comfort and warmth as she let her eyelids close.

Relaxing into his hold she expected to succumb easily to sleep. After a few moments of lying awake she realized something must have actually woken her. Letting her hearing expand out she discerned the unmistakable sound of someone knocking coming from the door. The sound was still fairly light and tentative but it was beginning to grow more noticeable. Still reeling from the lingering aftereffects of contentment and blissfulness from their earlier activities, meant she was more than happy to ignore the disturbance. Which at 3:30 in the morning, promised to be anything but peaceful or pleasant.

Unfortunately Kaiden also seemed to finally hear the sound and to her displeasure was not as willing to disregard the persistent attempts to garner their attention. Untangling himself from her embrace, and pressing his lips to her forehead when she let out a sound of displeasure, he stood. The cool air licked her exposed skin causing her to shiver.

"I'll be right back love." He whispered his hand running over her naked back and down her spine soothingly, as she huffed in unhappiness. Scooting into the warm spot he vacated she burrowed deeper into his pillow seeking the lingering warmth left from his body as he pulled the covers up, tucking her in. She grunted at him as he pressed a kiss to her hair and mumbled 'I love you', not yet ready to forgive him for interrupting her comfy sleep and abandoning her.

Chuckling in amusement at her sulking, he hollered a 'hold on' towards the door as he pulled on his abandoned and discarded sweats from where they had landed in a pile on the floor.

Watching as he shuffled to the door with his chest bare, his dark sweats hanging low around his waist and his hair sticking out in every direction Aislinn had to fight the urge to drag him immediately back to bed. The narrow slits of her sleep weary eyes poking over the top of the duvet, took in the rippling muscles of his back and shoulders in the pale light as he moved towards the door.

She smiled as she heard him curse under his breath as another loud and obnoxious knock shook the door in its frame. Running a hand through his hair he let out a breath before clasping the door handle and whipping it open.

Bright light spilled in. Blinking against the sudden intensity Aislinn tried to make out the identity of their nighttime visitor. With the shadows and her mate partially blocking her view though she couldn't properly make them out. She figured though that it had to be one of the handful of people who would be both brave enough and actually capable of making it to their threshold in the middle of the night without causing alarms to go off.

A few low murmured words were exchanged and then the still mystery person was trying to make their way further into the room, pushing past Kaiden's body still standing in the doorway. Agitation was rolling in waves off of them as they ducked under his outstretched arm. Something that as it turned out was not a smart idea.

Before she could blink Kaiden was across the room and towering over the body he had literally thrown through the air and against the wall. After having landed with a loud bang from the impact, the body had crumpled to the ground. A pain filled moan the only indication the person was still conscious and still alive. In another blink Kaiden had the limp body off of the ground and hanging in his grasp. Pinning him to the wall with enough force to produce another loud bang. One arm across his throat dangerously, while his other hand gripped a fistful of shirt holding, who she was finally able to assess was a male, off of the ground. Intimidating growls filling the room as his canines descended and bared aggressively, the force of them shaking the windows.

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