Ch4. Gaining Feelings

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Kimiko is getting ready for her date with Ren boy oh boy she regretted it so bad because Ren couldn't stop bothering her about there date all day, anyway while Kimiko was getting ready she heard a faint knock on her door "Come in" Kimiko said the door opened to reveal Syo walking in "Hey Kimiko I heard the news" Syo said "Yea but this date isn't serious were just celebrating our passing grade that's all" Kimiko said "Oh I see so if we were going on a date would it be serious?" Syo muttered under his breath "What was that?" Kimiko asked "Uh uh nothing never mind, just good luck on your date see ya!" Syo said then he ran out the room "That was weird" Kimiko said. About 20 minutes later it was 6:45 and she was waiting for Ren to come "Damn why did I have to agree with this" Kimiko said , while she was in her thoughts she heard a knock on her door she got up answer it to see Ren with another bouquet of flowers and chocolates "For you my lady" Ren said handing the stuff to her "Um thanks but you know I really don't need any flowers or chocolates" Kimiko said "But Neko-chan the chocolates mean you are sweet and the flowers mean my love for you is blooming" Ren said with a sweet smile all Kimiko did was blush and turned her face "T-Thanks for the compliment but we really need to go" Kimiko said "Ok then my I escort you my lady~"Ren asked pulling his arm out for Kimiko to grab it "I guess" Kimiko muttered out while taking his arm. About 30 minutes later they arrived at a little cafe as they entered the cafe a woman walked up to them and said "Welcome please take a seat anywhere" Ren and Kimiko got seated and waited for the waitress to come "You picked a really nice place"Kimiko said "Gotta pick a nice place for a nice girl" Ren said winking "Y-Yea" Kimiko muttered after there small talk this beautiful blonde waitress came and said "What would you like today miss?" Kimiko told her what she wanted then the waitress asked what Ren wanted , and when she did she called him cutie and winked at him and for some reason that made Kimiko a little upset , wait upset?. When the waitress walked away Kimiko asked "Did you noticed that?" "Noticed what?"Ren asked "How the waitress acted around you" Kimiko said "No, Why were you jealous?" Ren said with a smirk "N-No!I was just asking"Kimiko said stuttering. The waitress came back with there food and drinks "Here is your tea miss and here is your steak and coffee for the cutie" the waitress said then wink "I'm sorry miss but you see I'm on a date right now I'm not interested in a snobby woman like you" Ren said with a upset expression "Well I'm very sorry for my behavior sir" The waitress said as she walked off angry. "Why did you do that?" Kimiko asked "Because were on a date and I don't want anything or anyone to ruin it" Ren said with a sweet smile then he took hold of Kimiko's hand then said "After this let's do some more fun stuff so you can remember this day forever" Ren said and after he said that Kimiko's face turned deep red and said "Fine but you better not do anything perverted" Kimiko said "I promise I won't unless you want me to "Ren said with a flirtatious wink "S-Shut up!" Kimiko said with her face still the deep shade of red. After the cafe Ren and Kimiko went to a lot of amazing places they went to the amusement, the petting zoo, the mall, and to a four star restaurant. After going to all those amazing places the day has come to an end , Ren and Kimiko already arrived at the girls dorms "I'm surprised today was pretty fun" Kimiko said "I told you you'll have a great time" Ren said "Well I should be heading inside we have class in the morning" Kimiko said But before she grabbed the door handle Ren grabbed her hand and kissed it. Kimiko's heart pumped really fast, her face turned bright pink and for some reason she didn't want to slap Ren this was getting really werid. "I'll see you tomorrow Neko-chan" Ren said then walked away Kimiko quickly walked into her room and closed her door shut "What is this? Why is my heart pumping so fast? Do I like him? No I can't like a player like him, I just can't not again.

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