Chapter 6: The Journey Begins

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"Ugh, already?" Ash presses the button on the alarm clock to keep it from beeping once more.

"Morning, Ash!" Brock says, enthusiasm clear in his voice.

"Morning, I see you're pretty much ready." Ash looks at Brock with a bit of awe as Brock continues to check over the things in his backpack.

"Yup. Got my extra clothes, paper, pens, food containers, and first aid supplies."

Ash mumbles as he gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Try to hurry it up in there Ash; it's already 8:30. We are supposed to meet the professor in half an hour."

"Yeah I'll be quick," Ash says as he closes the door to the bathroom.


"Okay, got everything set," Misty says as she zips up her backpack. She opens the door to her room and walks over to the boys' room.


"You guys almost ready?"

"Yeah, Mist. Give us a couple of minutes."

"Alright, I'll be in the living room."

"Whelp, I think that's everything." Ash grabs his backpack in a hurry and rushes out the door.

"Yeah... everything, except your damn Pokedex; and Pikachu," Brock sighs as he picks up the Pokedex for Ash and walks out the door, careful not to wake Pikachu.


"Breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Ketchum says cheerfully as the three move over to the dining table.

"Wow. That looks amazing, Mrs. Ketchum!" Misty says, eyeing the food with delight.

"Smells great," Brock says with a smile.

Ash sits down and starts piling food on his plate. He takes a bite of the scrambled eggs. "Mmm, tasfe goof momf," He says with his mouth stuffed with food.

Misty and Brock laugh and sit down as well. They all start eating their food and talking about the journey that lies ahead of them.


"Pika-chuuuu," Pikachu stretches his arms upward while letting out a little yawn. He runs over to the kitchen and hops on top of Ash's head.

"Ha, ha. Pikachu, you're finally awake," Ash grins as he places Pikachu in his lap and gives him a piece of bacon.

"Alright guys, it's time for us to head to the lab." Brock says as he stands up and grabs his backpack; putting it on. He takes his plate and puts it in the sink. "Thank you Mrs. Ketchum for the wonderful breakfast. It was absolutely delicious."

"Oh you're too sweet, Brock. It was no trouble at all," Mrs. Ketchum says with a grin.

Misty and Ash also get up and put their plates in the sink. "Thank you again, Mrs. Ketchum!"

"Thanks mom." Ash grabs his backpack and puts it on.

"No problem, dears. Now did all of you remember to pack clean underwear?"

"Mom, seriously?!" Ash says in annoyance, while Misty giggles.

"Alright, go on over to the lab. Please be careful, you three. Sounds like a creepy place. Make sure you always stick together."

"Right, Mrs. Ketchum. Will do."

"Don't worry, Mom. We'll be fine." Ash gives his mother a tight hug.

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