Chapter 4: Having a Splash

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        “Ah, nothing beats relaxing on the beach, right Pikachu?” Ash asks with his eyes closed, laying on the towel with his arms under his head.

          “Pika, pikachu,” Pikachu says, laying next to Ash while mimicking his posture.

          Just as Misty said, it is a beautiful day; perfect for the beach. The trio is enjoying the day, starting out separate from one another.

          Ash with Pikachu, Misty with Horsea by the water, and Brock…


          “Whaaaa-! Beautiful girls everywhere!” Brock stares wide eyed at the girls passing before him in bikinis.

          “Hello there, beautiful. What’s your name?”

          “Get lost, loser.”

          “But I love y- oh, hello gorgeous!”


          “Hors, horsea!”

          “Hm? What is it, Horsea?” Misty turns her attention to where Horsea is motioning and sees Brock practically drooling over all of the women. “Oh no, not this again. I’ll be right back, Horsea.”

          “Horsea!” Horsea answers in a cheery tone.


          “Hello, my name is Brock. I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are.”


          “Wait! I just wanted to a-oww!” Brock yells in pain as Misty pulls his ear.

          “Come on, Brock. Let’s move you over to the water, where you can’t harass these women.”

          “But, Misty,” Brock whines.

          “No, no. Not another word. Come on, things never change with you.” Misty pulls Brock away by his ear towards Horsea.


         “Pika?” Pikachu opens one eye at hearing Brock whimpering.

          “What is it Pikachu?” Ash opens one eye as well and looks towards Misty and Brock. “Looks like Brock is back to his women obsessing self. I’ll be right back, Pikachu.” Ash laughs as he gets up and walks towards them.

          “How many times do I have to warn you about harassing women?” Misty says with a sigh.

          “I can’t help it,” Brock says, returning his gaze to the women in bikinis.

          “You never could,” Ash says laughing.

          Misty rolls her eyes. “Anyway, I’m going swimming with Horsea. Brock, keep away from the women at least until I return.”

          “I’ll try,” Brock says with a wink.

          Misty sighs, but smiles at Brock. She takes off her shirt and shorts, showing a cute red bikini underneath. The bikini covers her curves perfectly, showing her beautiful, womanly figure.

          “Whoa,” Ash says, starring at Misty in complete awe.

          Misty turns to Ash. “Ash, can you take my clothes and keep them by you until I return?”

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