Chapter 7 - I Swear Verona

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Of course, coming into school the next day was crazy. And who else to start the craziness, but pretty boy himself? Right when Kat and I walked into class, Joey started his usual shit. And the mood I was in, I was very well close to hitting him.

"Kat, babe, what do we owe you for the table dance? Ahh" No. I'm so not in the mood for this. Yesterday started out amazing. And ended with a dud. I hadn't seen Patrick since last night. I usually don't ever let a guy make me feel this way. But Patrick.. he's different.

"Alright, not that I give a damn, but how was everybody's weekend?" Yeah I don't give a damn either but here we are teacher!

"Oooh, I don't know. Maybe we should ask Kat." Can I please just slap him now? I think the detention that would follow would be sooo worth it.

"Unless she kicked the crap out of your dumb butt, I don't wanna hear about it." That shut him up. And made everyone laugh.
Ha! Sucker.... I was so lost in my own thoughts, I missed half of what Mr. Morgan was saying. But I did hear that awesome Shakespeare he did. He's cool for a teacher.

"Now, I know Shakespeare's a white dead guy, but he knows his shit. So we can over look that. I want you all to write your own version of this sonnet." Kat raised her hand. But I can tell she is impressed.

"Yes miss I have an opinion about everything?"
She honestly had a look on her face of interest. Genuine interest. Wow. I never thought I would see this glorious day.

"Do you want this in iambic pentameter?" He looked seriously surprised. Honestly man, I feel you!

"You're not gonna fight me on this?" Kat smiled a little in humor from his awe struck face at her sudden 360 in his class.

"No. I think it's a really good assignment." Wow. I'm even impressed now. But he started laughing. Oh lord. When a teacher laughs, especially him, it's not good.

"You're just messing with me aren't you?" Her eyes went wide. But the smile still remained.

"No I'm really looking forward to writing it." He looked her over a minute, before shaking his head in frustration, making me really damn confused.

"Get outta my class." What?? The one time she's actually not fighting him, he kicks her out still?

"What??" I looked from Kat to him and about stood from my seat in protest. I'd gladly go with her if this is how class is going to be today. I can't deal with it.

"Out! Get out!" Kat gave him a confused look, clearly annoyed. Hell I'm annoyed and he didn't even kick me out.

"Thanks Mr. Morgan." I glared at Joey. I still really want to slap him.

"Shut up." Now I want to say thank you Mr. Morgan.

Another day, out here in the bleachers, watching Kat play soccer. In a way. It's kinda relaxing. Not having to be in the school is a relief in itself. But then I looked across the field, and saw Patrick and Cam sitting there, talking. They kept looking at me also which was really pissing me off. Did I seriously look that bad? I know I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. But geez, can you blame me?

"Hey Skye!" And I about lost my shit. I looked up upon hearing my name, seeing Michael standing there. I wish people would stop sneaking up on me in the bleachers. My heart can't take it. And they'll feel so bad when I drop dead one day.

"Hey Michael. What's up?" He smiled a little at me as he sat down next to me, making me feel comfort for the first time since last night. He is actually a good friend.

"Well. How was last night?" I sighed. Where do I even begin?

"Which part?" He chuckled a little. But could tell something was up.

"You know. With Verona." I sighed again. And that must have really confirmed it because he shook his head slightly.

"That bad?" I looked over at Patrick and Cam talking and just wanted to rush over and slap him. I really was hurt. I just didn't really want to admit it.

"It was great at first. But then he took me home, we talked. I thought it was going good." He looked over at them as well and back to me, just assessing the look on my face.

"Well what happen?" It's so embarrassing to even say. I just felt so stupid.

"He just tensed. He told me we should do this another time. Then left it at that." The anger I felt was just boiling up again. And Michael could tell. He hugged me to him slightly as the worlds biggest sigh escaped me.

"I'm sorry Skye." I don't get why I'm letting this bother me so badly anyway. I mean, what did I expect? For this to go anywhere? I was stupid.

"No. It's fine. If he wants to be a jerk, then that's his problem. Not mine." Michael looked across the field, looking in Patrick and Cam's direction as my eyes just scanned them all and I shook my head in frustration. I love Michael and Cam. They've become two of my best friends since I started here. But trying to help Patrick was ridiculous.

"If he sent you to talk to me, here's a message. Screw. You." Then I got up, waving at Kat on the way with that smile on my face that I use when I want to hide what I'm really feeling. But I couldn't help but look back across the field, seeing Patrick looking right at me. We locked eyes for a couple of minutes it seemed, just staring. And I wanted to scream. I swear Verona....

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