The interrogation

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Hey people :) if u like my story please comment cause ive only gotten like 1 comment and it kinda blows my confidence :P New stuff coming soon :D


The first man lifted me into the helicopter. Leea was pushed in because she was so tall. I glanced at her face. It was full of fear. "Are you okay?" I asked her when we were sat down.

She looked at me with her eyes wide with fear. She opened her mouth to reply but the third man started talking and cut her off.

"We heard reports of a sunken ship west of Ket Largo. About an hour we recieved a call from a man who saw girls swimming. Were you from that sunken ship?" He asked.

There was silence for a few moments. "Yes." I whispered.

He looked surprised. "Are you two the only survivors?" He asked.

I looked at Leea. Pretend I was on the boat too, it's the only way we'll be able to stick together. She mindspoke to me.

"Yes I think we are the only survivors." I said.

The man climbed up to the front to talk to the other two men. I scooched closer to Leea and leaned my head on her shoulders.

What had we gotten into? What was going to happen.

I closed my eyes. I had always been able to fall asleep easily but those nights were the hardest ever.

I was being lifted into the air. My eyes flew open. We were on top of a giant building. There was a big H where the helicopter had landed. I wiggled around in the first mans arms and he put me down. I pulled up my jeans shorts because they had begun to slip off.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"Broward county police station in Weston." He answered pointing in the direction I should walk.

We came to an elevator where Leea was waiting with the second man. "My name is Brandon." Said the second man. "Thats Carl." He said nodding to the first man. "Michael was driving the chopper."

I nodded watching Leea. I guessed that it had been a while since she had seen civiliztion. How long ago did you turn into a mermaid? I mindspoke. So long ago I don't even remember. She replied with sad eyes.

When we stopped on the second floor Brandon led us to a office. It was full of file cabinets and records. A man with glasses looked up from his paperwork in the back of the office. "Names please." He asked us.

"Sadie Fletcher." I said. "But we're not from here. I'm from Wyoming and Leea is my cousin from......" I had to think. "Pennsylvania!" I said saying the first state that came to my mind.

The man looked at me suspiciously. He flicked his hand at us and Carl lead us out of the office. "That was unecessary." He said to Brandon.

"Its what we're supposed to do Carl." Brandon replied.

We talked to more people about what had happened. They all nodded at the story we had made up. In the end they called social services. Leea and I waited in a room with white walls and no pictures. It was depressing. Like a dentist's or a doctor's office.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. One rolled down my cheek. I gasped trying to wipe it off. Leea stopped me. "Tears don't change you." She whispered. "Trust me, I've cried many times when I was dry."

I burst into tears and Leea looked alarmed. "Whats wrong?" She asked me.

"Everything!" I shouted. "My parents are dead, I have no other family then them and now I'm gonna be put in some foster home for the rest off my life!" I wailed.

"We'll be together though." She said.

I sniffled. "Yeah I guess...."

We sat in the quiet for a while. Soon a lady came into the room. She helped us to our feet. "My name's Alice." She said, tossing her long black hair over her shoulder. "I'll be taking you to your foster home."

13 Year Old MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now