The encounter

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"Hi." The boy said

I screamed. Really loud. He flinched and hit his head on the branch above him.

"Owww." The boy said. "That really hurt. Can you stop screaming now?" He asked.

I shut my mouth. "Sadie? Are you okay?" I heard Leea from our room.

"Sadie." He said, thinking for a few moments." Is that your name?"

"Yes." I answered.

He smiled. "I'm Jacob, but you can call me Jake."

"Nice to meet you Jacob. I'm gonna go back inside now." I said, still mad at him for scaring me.

Leea was waiting for me when I came out. "Was someone else there?" She asked

"Yeah, just some jerk though." I replied.

"Oh so I'm a jerk because I said hi to you?" I heard from behind me. I whipped around and raised my eyebrows.

He was actually kinda cute. His brown hair flopped onto his eyes a little. His smirk was joking but his blue eyes showed a little anger. He was about the same hieght as me. Maybe a little taller.

"You were the one in my tree!" Jacob continued.

"Your tree?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "I don't see your name carved into it!"

"Well you must have not looked hard enough!"


"I carved JB, my initials, into that tree when I came here!"

"Well it's right outside our room not yours. So that makes it ours!"

"Thats your room?" He asked nodding to the open door leading to our room.

I was about to snap a reply but Leea cut in. "Yeah we just came here. Thats our new room apparently. I'm Leea by the way." She said.

Jacob smiled. "I'm Jake. My mom died of cancer and I never knew my dad so I'm here now." He said.

"Our parents died in a shipwreck. We were the only survivors." Leea said. She was good at acting sad. Maybe she actually was sad. I thought. Maybe she's thinking of her real parents. Maybe they died too.

"Thats too bad. Well I'm sorry about scaring you Sadie. It's just that you startled me when you layed down under me so the only thing I could do was say hi." Jacob explained.

"Yeah it's okay. I'm sorry for snapping at you." I replied.

"Well I gotta go. See you guys later." He said, winking at me.

My heart fluttered and I blushed. Leea tilted her head at me but I just walked inside, embarrased.

13 Year Old MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now