The aftermath

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I looked for Sadie after gym class was over. She looked pretty sad when she said she couldn't swim. I didn't believe her though. She looked like the kind of person who loved swimming.

I walked behind the bleachers where Coach had told her to wait but she was gone. Her bag was still there though. I turned my head.

Leea was standing on the lakes shore. Her eyes were closed. She looked sad.I ran over to her. "Leea are you okay?" I asked. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

Her brilliant blue eyes were wet with tears. "Tell them I tried to save her. Tell them we drowned." She whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked but it was too late. She had dived in the water.

In the middle of the lake I could see splashes. There was screaming. I could hear Sadie. She was right in the middle of it. The water was turning red. I could feel a tear running down my face. What was happening. In a second it was done.

The splashing stopped. Sadie and Leea didn't surface. I could feel that they were gone. My heart couldn't take losing another person so close to me. I collapsed on the floor. I sobbed until people came running.

"They drowned." I told them.




I was cooking dinner. I hoped everyone was hungry after a long day of school.

Michael walked in with Jamie and Reese with Lily. "Where's Sadie, Leea and Jake?" I asked them.

They had no idea where they were. "I can't believe Sadie would do that!" I gasped. "She was supposed to look after Lily."

The phone rang and I picked it up.


"Hello this is Alice."

Alice this is the school principle, I'm afraid I have some bad news.

"What do you mean?"

You're foster kids Leea and Sadie. There's been an accident. They drowned.

I dropped the phone. The room felt like it was spinning. They were dead? How could it happen...


13 Year Old MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now