Old Flames & New Bitches Pt.2

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Lewis Brown?

This didn't make any sense. Why was Kenya showing me close up footage of Lewis and Shawn arguing at Mo's engagement party? I mean I was right there with them. What was the point?

"Keep watching. The videos been editited so you can understand." Kenya said as if reading my thoughts, her eyes were still on the rolling footage.

I kept watching and the video switched over to the upper level of the ballroom to where Cray was hidden as she shakily held a gun. She was about to shoot. The camera quickly switched back to Lewis and I got the shock of my life. I felt rage flow through my soul as I watched Lewis notice Cray and then move slightly to the left so she could get a clear path to shoot Shawn.What Lewis didn't expect was Shawn getting down on his knees to beg for my forgiveness, which now placed me in the path of Cray's gun. If Shawn hadn't kneeled down he would've never caught Cray and moved me in time. But it didn't matter Shawn would've taken the bullet anyway.

"Lewis?" I breathed as I turn my tear streaked face away from the video. That explained why he disappeared right after the shooting. I couldn't believe it. I had opened up my home to him and even helped take care of him and he does this to me in return. He should be the one fighting for his life not Shawn.

"Detectives are looking for him. I'm sorry Maya I know this is shock, but can you think of any reasons why lewis would do something like this?"

I stared at Kenya. I couldn't think of anything. "No." I said but then I remembered. I told Kenya about how Lewis told me Shawn had beaten him.

"I'll look into that."

I nodded. "What about the lights? Who turned off the lights?"

Kenya sighed before rolling the tape again and this time I really wasn't ready.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!" I shot up from my chair. I couldn't believe it. Why? What could Yezel possibly gain from helping Cray?


"Baby are you sure you can't just prolong it for just a day?" I asked Q for the second time. I missed our date nights, we hadn't had one I weeks. It was like the closer I got to my pregnancy the deeper Q drowned himself in his work.

"No baby I'm sorry I promise next week we'll do something I just have so much going on right now. I have to get these blue prints done."

"Okay I understand. I just miss it that's all." I said ignoring the call that was coming in on my office phone.

"I miss it to. I'll be home as soon as I can. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled as I placed the phone down. I stood up to grab my files and felt a light kick to my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you." I said rubbing and smiling at my stomach.

My office phone began to ring again. "Hello?"

"Hi Mrs. Azure?" A man responded.


"I'm just calling to confirm your reservation for two tonight at seven."

I scrunched up my eyebrows. "Reservation?"

"Yes tonight at La Bon Appetite."

I smiled. Q was trying to surprise me with dinner at our favorite restaurant. I guess they got our number mixed up since we both often make reservations there.

"Thank you we'll be there."

"My pleasure Mrs. Azure."

I smiled as I hung up. My husband was perfect.

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