Missing Pieces & Heartbeats

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I looked up at the doctor who was now standing before me, I couldn't even look into his eyes. I didn't want to acknowledge that with a few words he could change my life forever, with a few words he could break my heart into in repairable pieces. I think deep down I knew exactly what he was going to say, I just didn't want to face it. How do you face death? How do you grasp the coldness? How do you fight it? People say to be strong, but how do you remain strong when the world keeps going and the one you love begins to fade into the background? Do we really want to forget? Do we really want to cope? Do we really want to move on? No, the truth is we don't want to do any of these things. We have to.

I looked into the doctors eyes as his words entered my ears. I nodded and although my heart went numb and my heart began to break, no tears fell. I got up and solemnly walked over to the other side of the hospital.

"How is she?" I asked Q as I entered Kira's hospital room.

Q turned around, his eyes red, and his voice heavy with guilt. "The doctors said she's doing good."

"Why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked.

"Because I knew I would be okay."

Q and I both looked over at a visibly tired Kira. She had a bunch of IV's hooked up to her, you could barely see the skin of her arms. "I didn't want you and Mo to worry."

I shook my head. "I knew something was wrong, I just never got around to figuring it out."

"Everything's okay now." Q assured me.

"Not everything." Kira said looking dead at Q.

"What did you guys name her?" I asked, trying to ease the tension.

Despite his sadness Q's lips turned up into a smile. "Heaven Kayla Azure."

I felt my hidden tears finally began to fall at the sound of the name Heaven.

Q looked at me and took in my tears. "Hows Shawn?"

I took a breath before finally answering. "The doctor said its only a matter of time."

I watched Q's jaw clench before he turned around and walked out of the room. Q and Shawn were like brothers so I knew this was hurting him just as much as it was hurting me. The doctors said Shawn wasn't even putting up a fight, he was just slowly slipping away. My heart was breaking.

I walked over to Kira's side. "I don't want to loose him."

"Maya when I was in surgery just before they got out Heaven I died on that table. I died Maya. The doctors said they had to stop my breathing so she could live. I didn't start breathing until after they got her out and somehow brought me back. She survived because I died Maya. Only one of us could live at that moment. I know your wondering why I'm telling you this when your about to loose the the love of your life. I'm telling you because at that moment I didn't care about my life. If Heaven didn't survive then I didn't want to either. It was when I knew she was okay, that's when I was happy to be alive."

I looked at Kira, loss.

"Remember what you told me Shawn promised you?"

I nodded."That he would never leave me."

Kira nodded. "Where are you Maya?"

I still was loss.

"Maya where does Shawn think you are?"

I froze. I finally understood. Did Shawn think I was dead? Was that why he wasn't fighting? If I was gone, he wanted to be gone to? I squeezed Kira's hand before running out towards the other side of the hospital.

"What's going on?" I asked a teary eyed Q.

"He's gone Maya." Q responded, not able to even look at me.

"No!" I pushed passed him into the room.

"I'm sorry Ms.White."

I ignored the nurse and ran over to Shawn's side. I grabbed his hand and squeezed as hard as I could.
"Baby I'm here. I survived and I need you to fight. Shawn you promised me you wouldn't leave me and I'm here. I'm here waiting for you."

I felt a hand in my shoulder. "I'm sorry but Ms. White he's gone."

"No he isn't!" I yelled pushing the nurse away. I turned back to Shawn.
"Baby wake up! Fight! I need you to fight! I'm here by your side! I'm right here baby please!" Still Shawn's body remained lifeless.

"You promised! I-" Sobs took control of my body. He wasn't waking up. "Shawn!" I screamed into his still chest. "Fight for me!"

I felt Q's strong hands grab my body, and hold me as my head remained on Shawn's chest.

"No! Q he's not gone! Shawn wake up please! Baby I'm here and I need you!" I watched the flat line on Shawn's monitor and I felt helpless.

The nurse called in the doctor and he recorded Shawn's time of death. He was really gone.

"I love you so much forever and always." I whispered into his ear.


I began to feel little thumps on my cheek.

For a moment everyone just remained still as Shawn's heart rate went up. Just as quickly the doctor rushed to his side and began to check his vitals. He looked at me in complete shock and awe. "He's stable. He probably won't wake up for for a few days, but he's stable. I don't know what just happened here, but its nothing short of a miracle."

Tears of joy began to fall as I looked back at Q and repeated the doctors words. "He's stable."

I kissed Shawn.

"Maya oh my goodness I'm sorry my phone was off and Chris and I were arguing.." Mo took a deep breath as she stepped fully into the hospital room. "How is he."

I smiled, and wiped my tears. "He's going to be okay."

Mo smiled and hugged me. "Heaven is beautiful."

"You've seen her?"

Mo laughed. "Yes the nurse just brought her in she's with Kira."

I kissed Shawn on the forehead and squeezed his hand. "I'll be back I promise."

Q, Mo, and I rushed over to Kira's room. Heaven was the most beautiful little baby girl I had ever seen. She had smooth almond colored skin, black wavy hair, the cutest button nose, and little pink lips. I watched as Q and Kira held her and I knew that whatever they were going though right now it would be okay. Those two were perfect for each other.

I looked at Mo. "So why were you and Chris arguing?"

Mo shrugged. "He said that I could never fully love him because I was still in love with Mike."

"You told him he was crazy right?" I smiled at baby Heaven.

"Mo?" I looked over at her when she didn't answer.

She had the most peaceful expression on her face. "No, I told him he was right."

I remained silent and simply nodded.

Mo gave me a look."Isn't this the part where you lecture me?"

I shook my head. "No Mo you said that with so much peace in your eyes. This is the part where I have to find my peace to."

"And how are you going to do that?" Mo asked, our eyes both on baby Heaven.

I said nothing as I walked out of the hospital room. There was something I had to do.

About four more chapters left! Thank you guys so much for your votes and comments! Every time someone votes it just makes me want to update even faster. As a writer when you feel like someone really appreciated and enjoyed your writing and hit that little star under the screen its the best feeling ever. Soo please if you liked the chapter vote! Vote! Vote! Leave a comment what did you like/dislike? THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS VOTED/COMMENTED AND ALL OF MY AWESOME READERS. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST, MUCH LOVE!!!

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