Fallen Tears & Heavy Hearts

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"No God please...no, baby your going to be okay." I held onto Chris's hand as we rode in the back of the ambulance. I just didn't get why this was happening. This was our day, our engagement party and Chris gets shot? He didn't deserve this. I squeezed Chris's hand tighter. It had all happened so fast.....

"I love you girl."

I smiled as I looked up at Chris. "I love you too, I can't wait to be your wife."

"In my eyes you already are." Chris said before placing his forehead on mine.

I kissed his soft pink lips and he wrapped his arms around me.




I felt Chris's arms go limp.


"Baby I got hit."

I felt my blood go cold in fear, but I knew I had to do something. I kicked my six inch heels off.

"Come on baby, hold on to me." I placed Chris's arm on my shoulders as we headed towards one of the exit signs,the only things that were still lit up in the darkness.

"Help us!!!" I screamed once we got outside. I felt Chris body begin to slip, and I held him as he sat down, his back on my chest.

"Hold on baby, hold on to me...."

"His heart rate is dropping!"

I looked at one of the paramedics in shock. I squeezed Chris's hand. "Baby fight! Fight for me! Fight for us!"

"Mam please." The paramedic said.

"I'm not letting go of his hand!"

The paramedic just nodded, while he pumped Chris's oxygen mask. Chris's heart rate continued to drop. One of the paramedics pumped the mask faster, while the other began to use a defibrillator.

"Help him!" I yelled still holding on to Chris's hand.


I watched as Chris's chest heaved up, before dropping down just as quickly. His heart rate was still dropping.

"Fight baby!" I yelled. Still squeezing Chris's hand. The paramedic increased the defibrillator's electrical energy.


Chris's chest jerked up then down harder this time. I let out a cry once I heard his heart rate begin to increase.

Thank you. I said a silent pray as we arrived at the hospital.


"Neither of them are answering their phones!"

"Baby calm down, their probably still in shock. Someone will call later."

I looked over at Q. "I knew we shouldn't have left so soon. I hope their okay."

"We had no choice, the police wanted everyone to vacate the premises. Everyone's fine."

"I can't believe this happened. I knew something bad was going to happen. I felt it, I felt it Q." I couldn't help but feel that I could've stop this from happening.



"I know you Kira. You couldn't have done anything to stop what happened tonight. Okay?"

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