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I stepped into the dark alleyway. I carefully moved further down, on the prowl. The bastard was slippery. I could feel my senses tingling to the slightest movements.

The wind was blowing softly. The smell of smoke and dust was strong. I could hear the soft scraping of my shoes on the cemented floor, the rustling of the leaves.

Suddenly I heard a the crash of metal on cement and my dark coat flared out behind me as whirled around. False alarm. I relaxed a bit when I saw that it was just an alley cat.

It stared at me with its bright green eyes. A flash of movement. There, out of the corner of my eye. I spun around quickly and took off at a sprint.

The wind whipped at my hair and coat as I dashed after the escaping creature.

It was getting away so I concentrated all my power in my hand, and grabbed hold of the the wind and willed it to stay. I curled my fingers around the wind, like the handle of a whip, and snapped my hand as sharply as possible.

The wind yielded and suddenly whipped forward and curled itself around the thing. It fell to the floor, and still concentrating my power, I jumped up and willed the wind to give me a boost forward. I landed on my feet, just beside the creature.

A young boy with dark black hair, and cat-like green eyes, lay beside me.

He looked completely wide-eyed and innocent, silently pleading with me to release him, as if I've made some sort of mistake. For a moment, I almost faltered, but strengthened my resolve and wrapped the wind around his neck tightly, forcing it to cough and gasp for breath.

"Please." He rasped.

"Only if you show me what you really are."

"Please, I'm no threat. Please just let me go."

The wind around his neck tightened as he sputtered and raised his hands in defeat.

Slowly, the human facade began to dissolve and I could see the true form of the monster emerge.

It was huge. Its head was like that of a snake but it had the teeth of a shark. Its scaly black skin glistened in the moonlight and its eyes glowed a bright emerald green. Spikes the size of daggers ran down its back. Its body was more like a lizard's, with huge webbed feet, and claws as sharp as knives. Its massive tail trailed behind it and ended in a huge poisonous spike.

As it got up, I noticed that instead of arms, it had huge stretchy wings with more deadly spikes at the tips. Its strong wings shimmered green, as bright as its eyes. I looked up in awe of its sheer size.

"Will you please just leave me alone now?" The creature spoke in a gruff voice.

"I can't let a monster like you roam free."

"I didn't choose to become this!"

I ignored the thing and soon the clear wind in my hand began to glow brighter.

The fizzing energy was no longer wind, but electricity, and lots of it. It was quite a windy night after all.

The energy sparked and sprung forth from my hand to shock the creature.

"Please, just let me go." He howled in agony.

"No can do." I replied as more bolts shot from my hands.

The creature wailed under my wrath and then finally gave up.

It hissed at me angrily and I ducked just as it raised its huge tail and swept it fiercely toward my head.

I rolled to the side and jumped up to my feet. I conjured a ball of bright blue flames and hurled it at the reptilian beast. It struck its lower jaw and burned it to the bone. The creature shrieked in rage and swatted a huge wing at me. I landed painfully on my back. I looked up just in time too avoid the its powerful jaw which almost snapped me in half.

"That's it!" I yelled. "Show me who you really are!"

The creature snarled and swatted at me again.

As I prepared another fire ball, I noticed my previous burn mark had already healed. This was not going to be easy as I thought.

I smirked darkly.

Closing my fist, I extinguished the flames just as it wrapped it massive tail around me. It squeezed and I yelped in pain. I dug my nails into its flesh and severeal volts of electricity shot into its body.

It roared in my face, its breath was putrid and smelled like rotting flesh. I shocked it again and again until it let out a high pitched sound of fury and flung me against a building. As it hit the hard brick, I heard a loud crack and screamed. I slid down the wall and fell on my ass with a loud thump.

"PLEASE JUST STOP THIS!" He cried. "I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"SHUT UP!" I sneered as I threw another bolt of lightening at it.

It howled and charged at me again.

Too dizzy to get up, I created a mini hurricane around myself while the beast continued to smash its wings against it. Every blow easily penetrated my little whirlwind but it's strong gusts of wind batted the tail away.

Once again I tried to stand up to no avail. It must have damaged my spinal cord pretty badly.

I tried to shift myself only to end hurting myself even more and fall back down crying. I needed to heal. Fast. I had to get back to Ryn.

Grunting, I dropped my hurricane and rolled to the side, wincing as I did so. The demon smashed head first into the building and crumpled to the floor. It wouldn't take long for it to recover, but that's all the time I needed. I scooted up against the building again, crying out with each movement.

Concentrating intently on all my surrounding energy, I gathered my power and took hold of the moonlight. It shimmered a sparkling gold before it roared to life and blazed bright silver. I manipulated the light more and it extended into a blazing silver sword. Finally, this was going to end.

The creature had finally arisen from its self inflicted stupor and lunged for me.

With my other hand, I wrapped the wind tightly around its neck, forcing it still. I struggled in my powerful grasp to no avail.

I let go as the struggle stopped and it fell into a pathetic heap on the ground. The true lizard form melted away to once again appear as the innocent young boy. The facade that lay above.

He raised his head weakly.

"Why would you do that?" He rasped. "Force me to fight you when you could've just ended me right there? Why let yourself get hurt?"

I laughed mirthlessly.

"Why? To show you who really are. A monster."

Tears sprung up in his eyes as I forced myself closer.

"B-but I didnt do anything! And you're just like me." He sobbed.

"Oh, I know, boy. But you will. One day. Just like all the others. And I've accepted it. And so should you."

His lip quivered as I finally stopped before him.

"Any last words?" I spoke in a voice much deeper than my own.

He just sobbed and stared up at me with a forlorn expression.

"Who are you?"

I smirked.

With a quick whip of my wrist, the sword slashed through its neck. His head jerked backward dangerously as blood spurted forth from the deep gash. His hands flew up to his throat in a hopeless attempt to stop the bleeding. I'd just severed his jugular and he'd bleed out in a few minutes. His hand reached out to me pathetically as he gurgled helplessly. A plea for help. Finally, his hands fell and his body slumped forward.

For a moment everything stilled and seemed to have frozen. He was still alive. Barely.

A few laboured breaths escaped his mouth and his pulse was almost non-existent.

I knew he could still hear me even though he was barely concious. I watched him carefully. Just as the light died from his eyes I responded.

"I'm your worst Nightmare."



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