Chapter 3

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A shriek of agony pierced the silence of the night, instantly causing me to snap open my eyelids.

I shuddered as I cool breeze drifted over me.

Maybe it was just a bad dream...

Another scream echoed throughout the house and jumped in fear.

I know all the movies said not to. Even though Daddy said I was too little to watch that kind of stuff, I always did. And all said to never go towards the screaming or scary noises. But that's exactly what I did.

What else did you expect from a little nine year old?

The screaming had stopped but as I neared the living room, the sounds of soft whimpering and pleading could be heard. I could feel my heart beating at a the speed of a thousand miles mer minute but I kept going. A cold sweat broke on out on my palms as shivers traveled up and down my spine.

Upon reaching the entrance to the large room, my eyes widened in shock and pain. My hand flew up to my mouth to prevent the scream that would undoubtedly escape should I let go.

Because right before me, was my father pleading for his life as a mutant stood over him, electricity dancing across her fingers.

I could feel my eyes welling with tears as I whipped softly behind my hand.

I wanted to help. I wanted to stop her from hurting Daddy. But I was terrified and I didn't want to hurt her.

"Please," he begged, softly crying, "please don't do this."

The mutant crackled loudly and sent another volt of electricity through his body and he screamed and writhed in agony in the floor.

When the urgent finally passed, he raised his eyes to meet mine and fear overtook his expression. Fear for me.

I stared at me with that fear, desperately trying to convey one command to me with that powerful look.


I couldn't leave him but I had to. He wanted me to because he knew there was nothing I could do. I knew there was nothing I could do.

However, my moment of hesitation lasted a second too long. For it was in that moment, she decided to end him.

Both hand raised towards him, electricity shot our from her hands and a powerful current of electricity surged through his body.

"NOOOOO!!" I screamed, hot tears pouring down my face as his body twitched and writhed as the fatal voltage passed though him.

I knew she'd heard me now. But she didn't turn around to look at me. No, not until he'd stopped breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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