Chapter 2

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"You need to lie still." She said as she continued to berate me for being so impulsive.

"I am lying still."

"Pearce." She said sharply.

"Fine." I grumbled and forced myself to become a temporary statue.

I didn't have to look up to know she was rolling her eyes.

"I'm just saying," she paused to massage her tired hands, "You can let some of them go. At least the ones that are harmless."

"None of them are harmless." I hissed.

With the exception of you, I suppose.

"Well you didn't have to go pick a fight with one and end being thrown into a wall!"

"That's happened like twice." I reason.

I could feel her flat stare boring into the back of my skull.

"Okay, maybe like five times, but who's counting, right?" I tried lamely.

She scoffed.

"Don't you give me any of that sass, missy. I could burn you to a crisp in five seconds flat."

She chuckled softly as she continued to spread her soothing healing powers to my lower back and I sighed.

I couldn't do it. As much as I wanted to, as much as I hated myself for being so weak, I couldn't hurt Ryn. And she knew it too. She didn't see it as weakness though, she called it "compassion". I however, begged to differ.

I swore to myself, that no mutant, no super, no freak, no whatever, deserved to live. Including myself. But Ryn was different, and there was no way in Hell I'd ever kill her.

"There. All done." She said triumphantly as she stood up to stretch.

I rolled onto my back and stretched my freshly healed back on the sofa that I lay on.

I smiled lazily at Ryn as I sat up.

"Thanks, love."

She winked at me and skipped off towards the kitchen to get us a snack.

I watched the brown-haired fifteen year old retreat from the dingy room, softly humming to herself.

Like me, Ryn was an orphan and I loved her like a sister. I sighed as I thought back to the unfortunate circumstances through which we met.

*7 years ago*


I breathed hard as I stumbled into an empty alleyway and slumped against the wall.

I hadn't had my powers for long, but I did know this.

All electronic, fuses, chargers, transformers, battery pack, you name it, tended to overheat when overused. And just like any gadget, so did I.

I groaned as my knees buckled, my body burning so bad it was like my own fires were consuming me.

The energy levels in my body were erratic, as was my heart rate and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I might die.

I heard the soft patter of footsteps and forced my head up to see a young girl standing before me. Well, younger than me anyway, which was pretty young.

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