Chapter 1

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A loud bang echoed throughout the dreary hallway, followed by a deafening silence.

I looked up from my book to see everyone quietly, and fearfully, watch Tyler Branson huffing furiously at the note scrunched up in his fist.

From the looks of it, he'd just slammed his locker door shut, angered upon receiving another accusatory note.

He turn to face all of us as he yelled.


Nobody uttered a single word which only angered him more.


Outraged by our lack of responsive, he drove an angry fist into the wall. The wall cracked loudly as a large chunk of the plaster fell off.

Everyone gasped as he suddenly grabbed hold of a student, Myrtle Meyers, and raised a fist threateningly.

"Was it you?!" He roared.

Myrtle cried and shook her head furiously but he couldn't care less. His fist descended towards her face and she closed her eyes in fear of what was to come.

When nothing happened, she opened her eyes to see that it had been stopped by someone. She looked up at her saviour in awe.

"Lay off her man." He uttered gruffly.

It just so happened, that it was none other than Reece Grayson, the new kid. No one else in our school would have the balls to ever go up against Tyler. Except for him. And he was soon about to find out why.

And me of course, but that's a different story.

Tyler glowered down at him.

"And who the fuck are you?"

"The guy who's gonna beat the crap out of you if you don't let her go."

We all gasped at his bravado.

Tyler chuckled darkly. "You think you can take me, runt?"

Now don't get me wrong, Reece was well built. Around 6'1, with a lean muscled body and dark hair to match, Reece was definitely threatening. But Tyler was a whole different story. He was well over 6'7, and had a huge, bulky mass. The man was a building. An unmovable, seething, building.

And he was out for blood.

Reece chuckled in response. "Try me, Princess."

And with that, Tyler lunged.

Letting go of Myrtle, who quickly fell into the arms of her friends, he grunted wildly as he bulldozed straight for Reece. Reece easily sidestepped him and the tank crashed right into the lockers. That didn't seem to affect him at all as he shook his head and charged again. This time however, Reece stuck his leg out suddenly, causing Tyler to trip and fall. Right in front of me.

I feigned surprise and fear at the fact that the fight had suddenly moved itself to right in front of me. However, I didn't move an inch. Didn't wanna miss the show.

Before he could get up, Reece straddled him by the hips and threw a quick succession of punches straight into his face, until he was no longer struggling.

He leaned down to whisper into the the barely concious Tyler's ear, so softly that I'm sure no one but he and I could hear it.

"Sweet dreams, Princess."

Reece let go of Tyler's collar, letting him drop to the floor with a loud bang and breathed hard as he stood up.

I stood with a shocked expression as he turned to look at me.

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