Neville's Quest

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The night was dark. The wind blew through the trees of the Forbidden Forest. In Hogwarts castle, a light turned on in the boy's dormitory. Scuffling could be heard from the inside of the boy's dormitory. 5 minutes later, a figure came floating out of Hogwarts. He seemed to be in a trance as his limp body floated across the grounds and into the dense Forest. He floated and he floated, until he reached a clearing in the forest. Instantly, his body dropped to the ground and he was smacked out of his trance. He sat up and looked around, and then he suddenly remembered why he had been brought here. In the center of this clearing was a massive swirling glowing purple portal, floating above the ground, beckoning for him to dive in. The figure examined the portal in the shadows behind a bush at the edge of the clearing. Then he rose, knowing that his time had come, he let out a war cry and once more charged for the portal.

   "Neville?!" a voice shouted, halting the figure in his tracks. The figure turned around to see another boy standing in the clearing.

   "Ron!" he whispered back, "What do you want?!"

   "What do I want?" Ron seemed confused, "I want to know what the bloody hell you're doing, that's what I want."

   "I can't explain - there's no time for that," Neville urgently whispered back, "Just go back to your bed and tell no one about this."

   "About what?" Ron retorted, "How you jumped out of bed in the middle of the night and ran into the Forbidden Forest to dive into a random portal? What the heck is this, some sort of suicide quest?"

   "Listen Ron, just go!" Neville was frantically gesturing back towards the castle, "I need to do this, I need to go through that portal. It's my destiny, Ron. I was born to do this."

   "Okay, slow down, I think that if you had to be born for something, it wouldn't- "

   "Neville? Ron? What's going on here?" a second voice cut in, as a new person came into the clearing.

   "Harry?!" Neville was sweating now, "How did you get here?!"

   "You left the light on in the boy's dormitory! I saw you were missing, and then I saw Ron was missing, and you can only imagine all the horrid possiblities that immediately went through my head. So I came outside and from there I just followed the trail to this place. Woah, is that a portal?"

   "What trail?" Neville hissed at Ron.

   "Oh, you know, just a little trail of glow-in-the-dark jellybeans I left so I could find my way back. Nothing much, really, I just- "

   "You what?" Neville looked around frantically, "This is supposed to be secret, you guys! Just leave, just go! I need to fulfill my destiny on my own! I can't have everyone in the boy's dormitory coming down here!"

    "Well sorry," retorted Ron, "But I wouldn't have been able to find my way back home otherwise. Unless you would be so kind as to show me the way back home yourself, but I see that's not going to be the case anyway since you've got your destiny to fulfill."

   "Hey, I don't even know how I got here," Neville admitted, "But I'm sure that whatever force brought me here to fulfill my destiny will bring me back home. As for you, finding a way back home wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't left home in the first place."

   "Wait, what's all this destiny business?" Harry asked, "Can someone please explain to me what happened?"

   "Okay, so basically," Ron began, "Neville thought that it was his destiny to jump into that portal, but I followed him here so he doesn't want to anymore, right Neville?"

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