Chapter 10 - What now?

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I swallowed, blinking rapidly into the bright light, desperately urging my eyes to adjust faster.

The glass breaking cackle filled the air around me, forcing itself into my eardrums and echoing as if someone was knocking on hollow wood. I felt the heel of a boot kick out at me and roughly slam against my ribcage. I cried out in agony.

"Oh no. My dearest Lyric Carrow. Whatever is the matter?"

I jerked my head up before collapsing back down, spasming in pain. "Don't call me that. Blimey, I wasn't ever under that last name anyway." My vision finally becoming clear, I gazed at my surroundings to find that I was in the Malfoy Manor as I had been once before, being Slytherin and all. My uncle had forced me to go.

My godmother sent a questioning look at me. "You could've just said 'I never owned that last name' or such."

I grumbled under my breath at her sudden change of voice and topic. Now I was going to be lectured to death. The worst way to die. I was going to be lectured by someone that I hadn't seen much when I was very young and had pretended to be my friend, but wanted to kill me for some strange, unknown reason. It was her plan to bore me to death. Oh, joy. She continued, answering her own question and a smirk spread across her face.

"You refuse to say never. Just like your mother. Your foolish, stupid mother." I glared, silently staring her down, my eyes glued to hers in a challenging way. She continued once more. Great. "Well, do you know what I know?" She came closer until she was in my face and her foul breath reeked. "You're never going to escape."

Still glaring and before she could pull away, I gripped her arm when she turned her head. I pulled her forearm toward me and shock spread across my face as the presence of the dark mark wasn't there as I had expected. She smirked, before slapping me across the face and sending me sprawling to the floor again.

"As if I'd join those filthy followers of Voldemort." She cackled. "I am not a follower of anything or anyone. Someday, just you wait, I'll be stronger than that foul halfbreed and everyone will bow before me or feel my wrath."

I gulped back my fears before pushing myself back up to my knees. "Then why are we here?"

Smirking even bigger than the last few times and making me feel sick to my stomach, heart plummeting, she bent down to crouch down in front of me. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, huh?"

"Yeah, because I'm betting you have a huge lot of friends."

Ignoring me, she kept talking. "I bet you'd know. You keep your enemies quite close, don't you?"

"I'm not sure if I'm aware of what you're meaning."

Cackling, she strode away from me. Standing to follow her, I could feel it before I hit the hard floor. Chain was wrapped around each of my wrists, connected to the floor.

3rd person - elsewhere

The three marauders searched and searched the same areas of the clearing they had last seen Lyra, but nothing was found. Nothing at all.

James slouched against a tree, irritated, as Remus and even Peter still looked. Remus shot him a cold stare, but James just shrugged it off.

"Davi probably just ran off like the coward she is."

After a while, Remus took his place next to James below the same tree. Shockingly, Peter was the one that remained searching and even encouraged Remus to continue looking for the girl, though he was unsuccessful.

Eventually, after all three of the boys had collapsed against the tree, the sun going down and James knowing they had to get out of the forest before dark, soft footsteps echoed behind them. Spinning around to see who was there, slight disappointment flooded through the group as Gemini Davi came into view in a flash of light.

Her eyes scanning the space ahead, she cleared her throat. "Where's Ly?" James shrugged though he didn't speak, nor did either of the other two.

Rolling her eyes and cursing quietly, she turned on her heel and vanished into the forest landscape.

3rd person - Malfoy Manor

Pulling free of her shackles after transforming into her fox form, she whipped her head around, attempting to find some way out of there.

Finally, after her gaze had landed on it a good five times, she began to climb a high stack of books and other items that looked as though they hadn't been used for years on end. Anything to reach the small window near the ceiling. The window was so tight that it made her cringe and feel terribly claustrophobic when she wasn't even near it. An old chimney was nearby and everything seemed to have a good layer of soot over top from it.

After knocking pots and pans out of place when her feet refused to find decent footholds, she heard the door behind her back slam open, hitting the wall behind it. A yell was heard from behind the coppery haired girl, only moments before her grip slipped out of its place.

'Once a clumsy Slytherin git, always one.' She thought.

Plummeting to the floor below her, she heard fast quick steps before arms encased her waist, breaking her fall.

As soon as she had been caught, she was roughly shoved down in front of her saviour. She assumed that he was a Malfoy and that he probably couldn't even recognize her under all the soot and dust. He stared her down. "Who might you be?"

Desperately trying to think of something, she said the first name that came to her mind and she mentally face palmed herself in dread as she realized how stupid the name she had automatically thought of after so many years sounded.


A frown spread across the man's expression.

She caught herself, continuing. "Penelope Lynx." She caught her breath. "I'm Penelope Jones."

Her heart dropped when she heard a familiar voice behind the man. "Lyra?"


The Girl With The Amber Eyes *Marauders era* {Sequel to Obliviate}Where stories live. Discover now