Chapter 11 - Unanswered riddles and 'rescues'

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Not too sure about this chapter but I haven't updated for a long time and this is all I could do at the present time. I'll update again sometime this week.

3rd person

Lyra slumped against the wall, unamused with her luck.

Lucius Malfoy stood at the door. Trust him to ruin everything. "Lyra Davi." He snickered before strolling over to the older man. Lucius pointed at her. "Missing. Former Slytherin and filthy half breed. Goddaughter of Isabella Gaunt."

The man stared pointedly at Lucius. "Thank you, Lucius. It appears that I was quite aware."

He seemed to be confused before hurriedly turning and hastily exited the room. The man turned to Lyra.


"State your intention."

Keeping my expression as stone faced and cold as possible, I stared him down in a challenging way and thought up something as confusing as hell.

"When the sky had fallen, mercy fled away. A storm will rise upon its return and it mustn't forget. Mustn't ever forget the lives that were too much to save and the people as brilliant as the phoenix."

The man's face appeared to scrunch up, reddening drastically. "Enough of the ridiculous riddles. Tell me, what won't forget?"

I smirked, sitting back on my heels and knew then that he would never uncover the true meaning. The riddle that mustn't be answered in case of the wrong people knowing.

He opened his mouth to shout at me again, only for the world to suddenly go dark and a loud crash to echo through the Manor.

3rd person

The lights faded around Abraxas Malfoy and he began to angrily search through the blackness for the accursed light switch. Though by the time he had finally found it, Lyra was nowhere to be seen.


I sprinted through the long and twisting hallways of the Manor. The brown haired girl behind me followed, only a few seconds slower than my pace. Turning to my form of a cat, I began to scan the ground around us.

In a matter of minutes, I felt my cat-like ears perk up suddenly, picking up soft footsteps up ahead.

3rd person

Lyra Davi ran along the creaky floorboards, one every so often shifting under her weight.

A creak of a floorboard she had stepped over only moments before stole her attention.

The coppery haired girl whipped around on her heel, bringing a dagger up to the person's neck, whom she had shoved against the wall. All she had in reach at the moment, since she had her wand hidden in her left boot, where she had moved it from behind her ear.

The girl she had pinned against the wall glared pointedly at her, until Lyra finally made the connection and realized who it was.

Gemini snickered before throwing Lyra down, Melody leaving the shadows to stand at her side. Though what happened next was nothing that any of the three girls had planned.

"Lyra Davi." A voice of ice spoke from directly behind them, chilling their bones and causing goosebumps to form on their arms. Lyra didn't even have enough time to turn and see who it was before she felt something slam into the back of her head, causing her to fall to the ground and all she saw before the darkness welcomed her was her elder sister and friend both sending her equally apologetic looks before they turned and disappeared, running for their lives.

The only thought that Lyra could successfully form in her mind was the horrid realization that Gemini was a Gryffindor. She was never cowardly, no matter the situation. She'd even rather be cruel than a coward.

Quite the opposite of Lyra. Or of whom she used to be before every move she made began to define the difference between life and death. It was kill or be killed and that's how it had always been, hadn't it?

So who was she now? Lyric Davi was the always optimistic girl, believing everything was worth redeeming. Lyra Carrow was who she had become. Cold, stubborn and untrusting.

Whoever it was that she was now defenceless to, fighting back was completely and utterly hopeless. If the situation frightened Gemini Davi, then it would destroy Lyra, just as it all had taken its toll on Ara beforehand.


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