22: Float*~•

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"Fuck, Greiver!" Minho whispers-yells to Thomas, pulling him up as they start to panic. "They're blocking out way to the Glade!" Thomases heart starts racing, bringing back trauma from the night he got stung. "RUN!" Minho yells out, as he spots the slimy creature in the corner of his eye.

They sprint deeper into the Maze, with no idea where they were going. They pass ivy leaves, huge boulders and the Maze gets to weird shapes deeper as they go in. "We've never 'been this deep in before!" Minhos face is frozen in shock, as they reach a dark, eerie cave. "What now?" Thomas tries to calm himself, by leaning on the wall and burying his face into his palms.

"No time for being smart, Thomas, hide!" Minho now yells to overlap the loud greiver noises, pulling him to the ground. Since they have nowhere to even run to, they stay low by the ground, hearing their moment come as the Greiver starts to come even closer.

Not even a breath is let out by either of the boys.

Thomas starts violently shaking, remembering what happened with the greivers before.

"THOMAS!" A voice roared, as his body was lifted by a greiver, thrown to a Maze wall. He closed his eyes and felt every inch of his body be peirced with the Greivers venom, opening his stomach violently. In his last moments he was woozy, he noticed the greiver left the Glade and was heading back, leaving his body laying still on the ground. He saw a blurry figure appear over him, the second the greiver left.

It was undoubtedly Newt, followed by the med-jacks. "Tommy, stay with me!" The boy begged, and Thomas wanted to do nothing more than to reassure him, that he was okay.

To his surprise, the Greiver rushed past them, sprinting to the cave they were looking at before, disappearing in an instant.

Thomas was frozen in shock, while Minho loosened his grip on him, and carefully walked to the cave, not too close though. Thomas observed as the boy picked up a small pebble from the floor, and motinoned for him to come closer.

He wasn't even thinking straight when he walked over to Minho, but came to his senses as the asian gave him a pebble he was holding in his palm before. He was exactly sure what he wanted him to do.

He threw in into the hole.

Disappearing in an instant, Thomas threw another one, and it did the same. "Thomas." Minho started, taking a sharp breath. "This might just be our way out." He looked to him with a serious expression, waiting for a change of emotion in Thomases stunned face.

"We should tell the others." Thomas ordered.

And they were running back, more carefully than before, checking every corner and stopping every minute. Were the others even going to beleive him? Afterall, he wouldn't either, he barely beleived when he was there.

(A/N) the rest of the book is sitting nicely in my drafts, idk if I should spam post all of them to the end since I already wrote it... but I hate spam posting😿

(Also pay attention to the titles of the next chapters)

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