Chapter 26: I am Ember Hayes

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And they all lived Happily Ever After....

Or whatever all of those idiotic Fairy Tales say, you know the ones that normal parents read to their normal children. Those children that are all sweet and innocent and pretty and so painfully typical, children who grow up to be just like dear, sweet Emalyne Thatcher. I am sure her perfect little mother read young Emmie fairy tales of princess and prince charming every night. I am sure Emalyne dreamed her pretend princess dreams, dreams of how a prince would save her from an evil villain. Dreams of how she would have her true love's kiss and all would be well in the world. In her world, but not mine. Because me, my mother didn't read princess stories, no she didn't fill my head with that nonsense. I didn't pretend as if I was dancing at the ball, I didn't dream of the prince's rescue. No, I dreamed of the villain. Because even from a young age I already knew I was not born to be the damsel in distress, I was destined to be the mistress of evil. I am the one who will marry the villain, I will be his next of command, his partner. That realization didn't take long, and it didn't come with heartache or envy, because in truth, that's all I've ever wanted. 

Of course Emalyne and her beautiful little friends wouldn't notice little ol' me sitting in their cafeteria, at the table beside them. Even if she did see me, she wouldn't even recognize me. I know Emalyne, well sort of, but I can guarantee she doesn't remember my face, and I am certain she doesn't know my name, but she will. Bradley and Damon have been talking nonstop about Paxxon Philips, how he scored the beautiful and intelligent Emelyne Thatcher. Not that they care about her smarts, or even care about her at all. All they care about is making Paxxon's life a living hell. I don't even understand the obsession with Paxxon anyways, Emalyne is pointlessly on their radar, that we all can agree upon, but Paxxon is too if you ask me. So what if his dad is the Dean of Acamancy. Damon's dad couldn't be the Dean there anyways, he got Dean of Fam-ac and as he has said a thousand times, he doesn't want the campuses united anyway, so why does it matter?

I get up from the table in the Am-c cafeteria. I have only been in here one other time, but apparently I will be spending much more time here, since Damon has vowed to spend as much time around Paxxon and Emalyne as possible... I head over to the restrooms to check out my appearance before I rejoin the group. I don't know what it is that Damon and Bradley see in Emalyne anyways. Yeah she has red hair, so what? Almost half of all Fire Mani's are redheads, myself included, well sort of. I tuck the long locks of my pin straight strawberry blonde hair behind my ears to apply another layer of lipstick. My lips are fuller than Emalyne's, my breasts are fuller too. This leather bodysuit I borrowed from Pelena fits me tighter than the ones I ordered for myself, that have yet to come in, and it shows off my full chest gloriously. Pel loves to make a statement, not as much as Cindi does but both of them are shameless. I'm not a prude like Phoebe is with her turtlenecks and such, but I do have some self-respect, or at least I like to appear as if I do. 

I finish applying a few more coats of mascara to my false lashes, admiring the auburn eyes in the mirror. I take a step back to view the full package. I don't know why Damon is hung up on Emalyne, I'm right here in front of him, and look at me, I am hot. This body suit shows off my curves, as petite as I am I still fill this suit out very well. Emalyne is hiding that boyish frame of hers under ill fitted and ugly Am-c clothing, and it makes her look even less appealing. Does Damon like her little girl ribbons she wears in her hair? I can do one better, I'll start wearing the biggest and most beautiful bows he has ever seen. Does he like she fake smiles, her pretend innocence? I am not innocent, not that i am very experienced either, but I am put on a show. Just watch, by the end of next week Damon Ashbluff will forget all about Emalyne Thatcher and the only name on his lips will be Ember Hayes.

"Wait for me," I yell to Pelena and Cindi as I see them headed out of the cafeteria and back in the direction of Fam-ac. 

Even my echoing yells, bouncing off the walls all across the cafeteria weren't enough to gain the attention of Emalyne. It doesn't matter to me though, she's not the one I want attention from anyway so I brush it off.

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